How To Get Home Loans With Bad Credit Without A Headache
Applying for a home loan with bad credit can cause sleepless nights, but there is no reason to worry. Getting your application in order is the key, though some pre-emptive steps can help too.
For anyone with a poor credit history,
the challenge of securing any kind of loan can cause some worry. When it comes to finding a mortgage provider willing to grant a home loan with bad credit, there can be some sleepless nights. But this does not have to be the case. Securing approval is still largely down to the quality of the application, not the generosity of the lender.Of course, a mortgage is a very different thing. The size of the debt can be as much as 20 times that of a typical personal loan, and in that regard, the risks involved can be huge. But while it might seem to a bad credit borrower that securing mortgage approval is a pipe dream, the matter can be decided by simply proving that the repayments are affordable.But how can a home loan application be made convincing? What is it that mortgage providers are really looking at when they peruse applications? Here are 3 suggestions that can help in the cause greatly.1. Understand What Bad Credit Really IsFor most of us, the words - bad credit - are enough to cause us panic, but this is only a result of what traditional lenders have been telling us for decades. Those seeking home loans with bad credit understandably think they are way down the pecking order, but the truth is that the scare-mongering is designed simply to get current borrowers to make their repayments religiously.The truth of the matter is that a credit score is little more than an indication of how reliable past credit habits were, and is used only as a guide to the interest rate to charge. The score itself has very little influence over the chances of securing mortgage approval.On a positive note, taking steps to improve your credit score means the interest rate charged will be lower. That makes home loan repayments lower, which in turn lessens the pressure to make the payments on time each month.2. Improve Your ScoresSo, how can a credit score be improved, and is it really worthwhile? As already mentioned above, the result of improved scores is that the interest rates fall, but the general terms can improve too. When seeking a home loan with bad credit, this is a definite advantage.Clearing existing debts is the only way to improve the scores, since the scores are adjusted upwards when a debt is finally paid off. But to accomplish this, it is necessary to take out a consolidation loan. Using a single lump sum to clear 4 or 5 individual debts is fairly inexpensive, often resulting in the size of the total monthly repayments fall by 50%.This effectively frees up extra money, which makes securing mortgage approval much easier. And remember, if a large down payment is provided, the size of the required home loan is greatly reduced too.3. Ensure Greater AffordabilityThe key to getting the green light when seeking a home loan with bad credit is to prove that the repayments can be handled comfortably. This can only be done by showing that the repayments do not break the debt-to-income ratio, with states no more than 40% of income can be committed to debt repayment.While improving a credit score, and paying a large down payment can help this along too, a very effective way to ensure the most affordable repayment sums is to get a longer mortgage term. So, instead of a 25-year mortgage, seek a 35 or 40-year one. Depending on the deal, the monthly obligation can fall by up to $300, so securing mortgage approval is pretty much assured.However, the downside is that a longer-term home loan is more expensive, with the amount paid in interest over the lifetime significantly greater.