If you're serious about getting the best forex money manager software to trade in your stead in the market, consider these important 3 things to look for to select the best software.
There are hundreds of forex money manager software options vying for your attention, making it very difficult to separate one from another (especially considering each of their sales letters read like you'll be an easy millionaire by using their program.
First, I strongly recommend limiting your search to forex money manager softwares with money back guarantees on them. The reasoning for this is that it's both a sign of good faith from the publisher and evidence that they're pushing a legitimate software, but at the same time it lets you move on to point number two.
Secondly, I recommend that you actually test the forex money manager software first hand. This is not nearly as difficult as it sounds as in testing a software all you've got to do is get it, then run it within the safe confines of a free practice account which you can get from any online broker's site for free. Then you simply monitor the way the forex money manager trades and check its net gains or losses accordingly. The entire process just takes a few minutes of your time but can be invaluable in the long run. I've done this with dozens of softwares and many publishers even encourage that you test their softwares this way if they stand behind them enough.
Finally, think about sending the publisher a test e-mail in which you gauge their response time. You shouldn't be dealing with anyone who doesn't value your opinion of them and their product, and this is a great way to test just that.
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