How to trade safely in the stock market?
The emerging markets across the world are in high demand today. The words “emerging markets” do not have any specific definition, as there are many factors that decide which markets across the world are emerging markets. But generally the developing countries house the emerging markets who are showing distinct social and political reforms to compete with the developed nations.
The internet has changed the life of the common man. It is probably the biggest technological boon to mankind. Online trading has become accessible to one and all,

and it is now possible to sit even at a remote place and trade your stocks with the help of the internet. Company information, statistics and significant data is now available with a click of a button. you can now get any information of any company online.
If you buy stocks and plan to keep these stocks as a long term investment option, and it the company profits in the long run, you stand to profit too but if the company fails your money will go down the drain. Companies list their stock in the stock exchange and stock exchanges are eager to list big companies as more trading the company achieves, the more profit for that particular exchange.
Companies get a trading symbol, known as a ticker by the listing exchange. Investors need to know the ticker of a particular company to trade and get vital data about that particular company.. The stock exchanges itself will provide you information about a particular company and you can start your research from the exchange itself.
The economic slowdown has surely hit the pockets of most investors and investors are cautious while trading. The market is volatile and investors want to avoid losses. Losses are inevitable but you can certainly take chances and minimize these risks. Plan your strategy properly and do enough research. Use technical analysis as well as fundamental analysis and then based on your rational thinking get down to trade. If you are trading for the long term then technical analyses plays a critical role, but in case you are a short term investor then go for the fundamental analysis. Technical analysis is based on historic research and looks at the long term prospects. It is does not take day to day stock movements into consideration.. But the fundamental analysis is a day to day analysis which will help the short term (day trader) in his strategic plans.
You certainly do not have to follow all the instructions of the experts opinions but you can certainly see if you are on the right track. A diverse portfolio will help you minimize risks. Pick your long term plans and strategies only after ample research and understanding about the company and its financial status.