Increased Investment is now Evident in large brazilian cities such as Sao Paulo and natal. Investors are keen on investing in this growing ecomony.
Most people in other countries tend to have very settled views about Brazil. They think of the Amazon, the coffee, the football, the Rio carnival and very little else. But there's an awful lot more to this fascinating country than that. For a start, its sheer size, with an area nearly three and a half million square miles and a population now well over two hundred million. In fact in both aspects Brazil is now the world's fifth largest country. In economic terms, too the nation is powering ahead, with a GDP value which is the world's sixth largest. Apart from the USA, Brazil is easily the biggest and most vibrant industrial power in the Americas.
Within the country there's an astonishing diversity of territory including tropical rainforest, grassland, farmed areas and cities. By far the biggest built-up area is the coastal conurbation of Sao Paolo and the surrounding area. Not only is this city the biggest and most populous in Brazil ( nearly 50% bigger than Rio de Janiero for instance) but 'S.P' is also the largest city in the whole of the southern hemisphere and indeed seventh largest in the world. Not only that but the area's per capita GDP is second only to the capital, Brasilia. As well as a huge variety of domestic and international business centres, Sao Paolo also hosts the Stock Exchange and the Cereal Stock Exchange which is in fact the second largest Stock Exchange, by value, on the planet!
A city of this size also has considerable cultural and political influence, as you'd expect. For instance every two years it hosts the Sao Paolo Art Biennial and (more frequently) the famous Fashion Week, not to mention a host of international sporting events such as the Brazil Grand Prix Formula 1 and the Indy 300.
The city has a long history, dating all the way back to the first half of the sixteenth century. To put it in perspective, that was about the time King Henry the eighth was having his marital difficulties in England ! Obviously, the area like the rest of Brazil was under Portuguese rule for centuries. In fact , the original village of Sao Paulo dos Campos de Piratininga was settled some 50km inland from the very first settlement in Portuguese Brazil, Sao Vincente. The town then city grew slowly until the mid nineteenth century when it and the nearby port of Santos entered a prolonged boom caused by the world demand for coffee.
The original European settlers and their indigenous and African slaves occupied the country almost exclusively till 1888 when slavery was abolished. After that, Brazil saw the beginnings of its modern cosmopolitan nature when wave after wave of European and middle eastern immigrants came to the country. Members of all groups settled in Sao Paolo of course but Italians featured particularly.
When coffee as an important product subsided somewhat it was replaced by sugar cane and alcohol plus of course a great many other industries. In the present day this mighty metropolis is a major economic hub, encouraging and rewarding both long term investment and also short term investment especially in property and real estate where thousands of investors, big and small, from all over the world have already invested in the popular Minha Casa Minha Vida social housing programme. Real estate and other ethical investments opportunities will continue to advance the economy for many years to come.
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