Insurance Fraud And It's Implications
Have you any idea what the voracity of health insurance is in this country. Well its massive, and you wonder why your premiums are so high. There are many to blame and whoever they are they are crooks. Health insurance fraud committed by people that are looking to make some kind of fake claim and collect from the insurance company for these claims. This takes all kinds, it could be a doctor, individuals and even companies.
Have you any idea what the voracity of health insurance is in this country. Well its massive,
and you wonder why your premiums are so high. There are many to blame and whoever they are they are crooks. Health insurance fraud committed by people that are looking to make some kind of fake claim and collect from the insurance company for these claims. This takes all kinds, it could be a doctor, individuals and even companies.
Here are a few ways many insurance fraud schemes can actually take place. An attorney can be working with a medical staff employee. The attorney can file the false report and the insurance company will pay an individual for payoff. Doctors can make false treatments for patients and send business to there contact do the treatment and get paid on it with the doctors office getting a kickback. Even writing prescription to sell to street dealers.
I believe the most common one is individuals faking ailment to file a false claim. Also it is fraud if you fill out an application or medical forms and you are not completely truthful on the questions. In most cases people will just flat out lie and for the most part get away with it. I read somewhere that someone working with a doctor actually collected somewhere in the amount of $250,000.00 in a few years time.
Believe it or not health insurance companies rip of their clients and are responsible for lots of fraud. What they do is not pay on legitimate claims. They open a business with the intent to never even paying a claim, this is very organized big business. If you were in an accident and you file a claim they may pay some or none and deny that they are responsible. Of coarse you get a bill from the doctors or hospital and you will be responsible for payment. By the time it takes to fight them it becomes so time consuming and if you have to hire and attorney very expensive most people get so frustrated they rather cancel the policy or just pay the bill. The whole concept is they get hundreds of premiums collected year after year and close shop before ever having to pay out any claims.
This is one of the main reason for premium hikes in this country. it is our duty as citizens to report fraud. There are plenty of consumer rights agencies that you can call to help put a stop to these criminal activities. After all it could happen to you.