Is is Possible to Get a Quick Loan Before Having a Credit Check?
When the pinch is on your monthly budget and the need is for an emergency cash backup, applying for a payday loan is the best option to count on. Payday loans in the UK are generally referred to Easy quick quid loans which is generally small in nature. Since the loan amounts are easily accessible through internet on the same-day they are a big hit in the UK.
When the pinch is on your monthly budget and the need is for an emergency cash backup,

applying for a payday loan is the best option to count on. Payday loans in the UK are generally referred to Easy quick quid loans which is generally small in nature. Since the loan amounts are easily accessible through internet on the same-day they are a big hit in the UK. Any sort of short term emergencies that arise in the middle of the month can be easily overcome with a quick quid loan applied online. It is a boon to the people who are not allowed to borrow just because they are bad credit score holders. Put simply, people with poor credit scores can apply and get benefited without any hindrance.
Any monthly paid individual in the UK can apply for an
online quick quid. In all the cases, it is the monthly salary that determines the size of the loan amount. If a borrower has good repayment history from the past, then the chances of getting a quick approval is higher. Even though lenders do not sanction loans based on credit scores, they normally perform credit checks and take the information for consideration. This is mainly to understand the capacity of a borrower to repay in time. If a quick quid loan lender finds out that the loan applicant has multiple quick quid loans to finish off then chances of getting it approved is very less.
How quick loans work?
A minimum amount of £50 can be borrowed.
A loan amount of upto £620 can be borrowed on the first loan.
£1000 maximum on subsequent loans – As mentioned above this is still dependent on your salary size and how promptly you had repaid the earlier loans.
The best way to borrow an Online quick quid is as per your cash requirement. It is the borrower who knows better and not the lender, so borrow upto your limit and repay without any tensions.
Always remember, a smaller loan amount can be managed and repaid in easy monthly instalments. The loan is to cover your most essential and immediate needs.
Application, Approval and Repayment of a quick quid In the UK
Fill out a simple online application form in two minutes. All the fields are mandatory and omitting any of the information can have your application comeback futile. The lender would only take two three minutes to communicate the loan status. On approval the quick quid is directly credited to the customers bank account. If you want the cash to be credited on the same-day then request for the
same-day fund transfer which might levy an extra charge of £15.
When it comes to repayment of the borrowed loan quick quid lenders work from pay cheque to pay cheque. Some lenders offer easy monthly instalment based repayments.
Eligibility Criteria of An Easy quick quid
• Be paid monthly, with a minimum of £750 take home salary
• An active bank account to receive direct deposits, together with a valid debit card
• Recipient should be 18 years of age or above
• Be a UK resident