Loan Miscalculations can be Easily Avoided Through Attention to Detail
It is surprising how a simple loan miscalculation can end up costing someone their car, home and even business. However, such disasters can be easily avoided through attention to detail.
When it comes to securing a loan,
we all want to get the highest sum possible at the lowest possible rate, but despite this clear intention many of us are guilty of making a series of loan miscalculations that end up getting us into hot water. But there is no real reason for this to happen at all.It is fair to say that with all of the components that can comprise a loan agreement, miscalculating a loan is not a difficult thing to do. However, by simply looking at the facts, and being realistic a lot of the heartache hat follows such mistakes can be avoided.The whole problem, of course, centers around the loan repayments and their schedule. Therefore, the secret to getting a loan that is manageable is in estimating an accurate limit to the monthly repayments that need to be made.Be RealisticBeing realistic about the percentage of monthly income that is available ensures the greatest chance of avoiding making any loan miscalculations. It is essential then that, for borrowers, their eyes are not bigger than their stomachs, so to speak.Statistics have pointed to the fact that 30 per cent of a monthly income is the maximum that a borrower can commit in comfort. So, if a person has a monthly income of USD5,000 then they should not agree making loan repayments of more than USD1,500 per month.It may seem that more is manageable, but if they have a young family, consider the extra costs of schooling or if an expansion to the family is planned. Future or unforeseen costs should always be kept in mind, and miscalculating a loan can come down to overlooking both.Use Credit Cards WiselyA common tactic by home owners to alleviate pressure on making the monthly loan repayments is to get a credit card. These can be used to ensure that the payment is made, even if there is not much real income floating around. But it is worth noting that this can result in serious credit card debt developing in the long term, since the cards also need to be repaid and with interest.Loan miscalculations can sometimes be made by thinking that a credit card can be used to meet obligations. But credit cards do not offer free money, and are not a source of additional income. While they can alleviate the pressure from time to time, they should be used wisely and not relied upon. If more income is needed, then change to a higher paying job or get a second job.Search for the Best DealSearching for the best loan or mortgage deal means knowing the limits of what can be afforded. Once that is accomplished then avoiding loan miscalculations is actually quite straightforward.So, think of your income, think of the sum that existing bills typically add up to, and think of unforeseen expenses like hospital, travel or accident costs. Make sure not to commit to loan repayments that are more than 30 percent of your income, and give yourself some breathing space.Just remember that by writing everything down, and accounting for every possibility first, the chances of miscalculating a loan are greatly reduced. And once that is accomplished, the risk of defaulting on the loan is reduced too.