Gathering information about your credit is a whole process that gets you started in your application for a loan modification because it’s like a loan application process for a new loan.
Whether you want to refinance or get your home loan modified with lower payments, you lender will need to get information about your credit history. Lenders desire certain information about your credit history and payments you’ve made on your home mortgage in the past. If you are looking for loan modification I assume that you can’t afford making mortgage payments at your increased rate, and thus you are not in the best negotiating position. Thus you need to learn how to do loan modification so you don’t mess it up because your lender is not required to approve your loan modification.
A lender can turn you down for a new loan. The kind of information you will need to get to your lender is information concerning your credit history and past mortgage payments. Have you been late on your mortgage payments? Do you generally have a good track record of making payments toward not only your home loan, but also toward your other bills, such as your energy bills, car payments, credit card payments, student loan and other debt? Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If you have been late on your mortgage or if you have missed mortgage payments in the past what was the reason for missing your mortgage payments?
Perhaps you were laid off from your job due to bad economy and your mortgage rate is going up rapidly. The first and foremost option to explore to avoid foreclosure is loan modification. However, you need to have a back up plan in case you are turned down for a loan modification. Your ability to get your loan modified will depend on many factors. To learn about whether you qualify for a loan modification start at Loan Modification
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