Looking Closely into the Recession Definition
Why do people always fear recession? Is there any hope during recession? In this article I’m going to point to people that to achieve success during h...
Why do people always fear recession? Is there any hope during recession? In this article I’m going to point to people that to achieve success during hard times we must first know what is the recession definition in the positive way. Yes,

it is the recession definition that successful people use to shine during recession. Read on.
Our ears have been accustomed to listening news and even hearsays about recession. Each individual has a different way of looking at it. As I surf the internet I came across with this lines in a blog entry: “It is totally difficult to sustain our lives these days especially that we are experiencing recession. Do you think that we will still be able to get over with this economic problem? I wonder why this happened? May I know recession definition, what causes a recession or what are the cause of economic recession? When will it result to depression? I'm afraid that it might happen. I cannot really imagine what is life during the great depression. I have three children. I also do not know what will happen to them if what I feared the most will happen. Please shed a light on my clouded mind...”
I appreciate persons who inquire rather than persons who just presume that they know everything. Of course, when you ask persons who have the answer to your question can share their idea. If you don't do it, you will not be answered because these persons who have knowledge will just keep the answer to themselves. As regards to recession, people have different ideas about it. Some of these ideas are correct, unfortunately, there are also those ideas which seem pathetic or paranoid. The first question asked by the one who posted that blog is recession definition.
In the internet, many web sites post recession definition. Just like InvestorWords.com. In this site, the definition given is that “Recession is a period of general economic decline; specifically, a decline in GDP for two or more consecutive quarters.” About.com on the other hand, discussed two definitions of recession – from newspaper and from Business Cycle Dating Committee. The former definition is similar to the one given by investorwords.com. However, this site says that the said definition is not really popular with most economists because it does not take into consideration changes in other variables and that by using quarterly data, this meaning makes it difficult to pinpoint when a recession begins or when it really ends. The second definition is that of BCDC at the national Bureau of economic Research. According to the above mentioned site, this organization gives a better way in getting to know if there is a recession that is happening. This committee tells the amount of business activity in the economy by examining at factors like employment, industrial production, real income and wholesale-retail sales. BCDC defines recession as the time when the summit or peak is attained and so the business starts to fall until the time when the business activity bottoms out. In the first given definition recession happens for about two quarters or more but in the second definition, it lasts about a year.
Whichever definition we adhere to, the fact is that when there is inflation, we are directly affected. Because of what we have experienced at present, we all know what happens during recession. The recession definition given is but a key for us to understand what it is all about.