This is the only type of loan for which you do not have to give any explanation on what use you will give to the cash.
If you are needing cash for something that you would rather not declare to the lender, maybe because it is something personal or just because you might change your mind at the very last moment, then what you need is a personal loan. It is the only type of loan for which you do not have to give any explanation on what use you will give to the cash.
Things To Consider
First of all consider your situation. Good or bad credit? Even if you have good credit, you may want to get a secured loan with your car as a security. This is all right when you do not want your boss and co-workers to know you are asking for a loan and want to avoid the payments discounted from your paycheck.
If you are the type of person who can not say no to an agent when he is bugging you to sign the agreement, just do your homework well. Find out the current interest rates, known as APR (Annual Percentage Rate) and calculate the payback term you estimate versus the amount you want and consider if you can afford to pay such an amount.
The Math
Say, you want 2,000 dollars and you want to know if you can pay it back in one year, it goes as follows: APR is 8%. 2,000 in one year will give you a total owed sum of 2,160 and spread out in one year will give a monthly payment of 180 dollars. Can you pay that much a month? If you can not, start making adjustments until you get something feasible and THEN start to look for a suitable lender.
They Come In Hundreds
Lenders, Loan Brokers, Banks, Lending Agencies, there are any amount of them and you will certainly find scores more on-line than off line, just because some of those lenders do not even bother to advertise off-line. They all have one thing in common: They want your business… or rather, they want your money.
Don't We All Want Other People’s Money?
It is just like buying potatoes or a TV. When you need cash, you buy credit. As simple as all that. And you pay for the financing of the cash you need. So off you go and find out the real actual conditions that a lender has to offer and go for the deal.
Make Sure You Ask Lots Of Questions
Do not take anything for granted. Ask as many questions as you wish. This will give the agent an idea on how well prepared you are for the final deal. Some may want to take advantage of a quiet customer and throw at him some kind of compensation for all the other deals that squeezed out more than they would have liked to give away.
A Good Option
If the case allows for it, get your wife, a friend or relative to go with you, so as to have two brains thinking about the deal you are about to sign on. It is always better to be prepared than to be sorry.
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