Looking for Must Read Books for Investors?
With so many books and only so much time to read, how do you decide which books are must read books for investors? Luckily for you, I’ve already invested the time, and I’m willing to share with you a few books that in my humble opinion are must read books for investors.
I’m often asked to open up my personal success library and give book recommendations on success,

real estate investing, and being an entrepreneur. I was recently asked by a good friend to write a quick synopsis and recommendation for a few of the must read books for investors in my success library that I felt were among the most influential on my personal and business development. Here are three of my favorites:
1) Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
Everyone who lives in a capitalist society should have this in their success books library. I challenge you if you haven’t, go out and read this book written hundreds of years ago by a very bright and forward-thinking economic theoretician whose ideas on competition, the free-market-economy, control and ownership, business and industry, the interdependency of economies, and small business are even more well-respected and well-understood today than ever before. This book breaks down how and why some nations are the haves and some are the have-nots, and a step further why some individuals become extremely wealthy while others remain in abject poverty. There are cycles to wealth-building and those (nations and individuals both) who understand, look for, and capitalize on the inherent opportunities therein…will become and remain wealthy.
2) What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know about Cash Flow by Frank Galinelli
As a real estate investor, you hear all the time that "Cash is King". Big amounts of cash are sexy. It’s what people talk about most and get excited about. While big fat one-time profit checks are nice I can 100% vouch for the fact (from experience) that without consistent recurring cash flow coming in you are only fooling yourself that you’re investing in real estate as a professional. True professional investors invest for cash flow, knowing that it is the vehicle to financial freedom. I don’t recommend this book for beginning real estate investors, as there are so many more basic-level resources to get you your first few deals but if you’re serious about building a fortune you need to put a lot of energy and focus into making the Queen happy because "Cash Flow is Queen". Don’t make the mistakes I made and many others have made, focusing only on equity and value and appreciation when investing in real estate. You could go broke trying to eat equity!
3) How to Make Millions with Your Ideas by Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy is one of the most brilliant marketing gurus or business consultants out there today. His ideas are pure gold, and this all his books I’ve seen are great success books to read. While almost all of his books and materials are winners, this one I read for the first time in the last year and it truly is a winner. This book has fundamentally impacted me on a deep level, and changed my paradigm from a work harder vs. work smarter mind shift. It’s helped shift my thoughts from a place where I believe my ideas are much, much more valuable than my sweat. Read this book for a great ride too.
I hope you enjoyed the quick synopsis of these must read books for investors and that you are inspired to add these books you YOUR success library. If you don’t have a success library…now is the perfect time to start one. It’s never too late to start reading for success, and it’s never too late to BE a success.