Saving money is more important than ever these days. Here is a look at some money saving tips when it comes to your favorite beverages.
It is no secret that with increased job loss and a slow economy,

people are are becoming more aware of how much things cost, and how careless we can be with our money. Having to tighten your belt and adhere to a budget can seem difficult and depressing, but with a few money saving tips, you can save a lot just by changing a few bad habits.
We love our coffee and tea, and iced and specialty drinks, and all of the pastries and choices that are offered to us as we walk into our favorite coffee shop. It is addicting and comforting, and cutting out this part of your day may be off limits for budget ideas. You don't have to stop buying the drinks you love, but you can save quite a bit by skipping the gourmet coffee.
You may think that saving a dollar, or less, on drinks isn't going to make that much difference. So, to make the point to yourself, when you find a good local shop, you should pay for your coffee with the same number of bills you always have, but put the change you get back into a clear jar at the end of everyday. At the end of the month, you will be shocked to see how much you have left by saving that dollar per visit.
If the drinks you like to enjoy are not the kind you have at breakfast, you can also find a way to go out at night and save money on your cocktails. It is very easy to spend a lot of money on alcoholic beverages, and it seems the more you drink, the more you spend.
If you have run into bad luck and can't party like you used to, that doesn't mean you can't go out anymore. Everyone has heard of happy hour, and we all associate the phrase with drinking, socializing and having fun, but did you also know that for a few hours every day, you can get your drinks for half the price? In most places, they will offer an appetizer at half price or for free during these hours as well.
Just because you are having hard times and need to be careful with spending, doesn't mean you have to stop having fun and sit in your house every night. There are ways to go out and have fun, while sticking to your budget and getting back on track.
When you start small, you can form new and better habits that will have you looking all around you, and realizing that there are offers and deals everywhere you go that you didn't even notice before.
Making small changes to the items you buy day to day is one of the best money saving tips that can be followed. You don't realize how much you are over spending in one day, until you make a change and see the difference. If you think you can save a huge amount of money by denying yourself important or big expenses that you are used to, you are more likely to relapse and splurge later on. Starting small and making a reasonable change is your best bet for making a real difference in your budget. Also look for unclaimed money options that can lead to unexpected returns.