Reason for Increase in Payday Loan Use is High Street Banks No-Longer Lending
The increase in payday loan use can be directly attributed to the economic downturn and restriction in lending by large financial institutions.
At the present time banks should make a bigger effort to support people having economic difficulties. Major problems come at the end of the month,

when the utility bills start to pile up and the salary has come to an end. Everyone knows how difficult it is to maintain a large family or even to make a living for only one person. The solution to this even more spread problem is the payday loan. It is a very fast and easy way to get a loan : the application process that is necessary to obtain the loan is very simple and usually it takes about 24 hours to disperse the sum of money into the bank account of the requester.
Why are people using these loans?According to statistics, nowadays a lot of people usually decide to request a payday loan to cover either extraordinary expenses, such as a boiler repair, or regular outgoings, such as electricity or gas bills. People need a reliable and affordable lender to pay entirely regular or unexpected outgoings, as in this way they avoid to incur any late fees. Everyone can afford this type of loan : the only requirement necessary to get it is to be employed. In the requesting procedure there are no differences made among people with a poor or a rich credit. With payday lender everybody that is employed can obtain a loan : he or she can be self-employed or even employed part-time. This is the reason most people say that it is an affordable loan. Beside this, the application process is very simple : the form requested to get the loan is very easy to fill in, in fact you have only to write down basic personal information. That is all. Through payday loans people can see the requested sum of money in their account in just a day, avoiding any kind of stressful procedures. The access to money has never been so easy and at your hand. Unlike
high street banks, which stress and discourage people who ask for a loan, payday loan lenders make this economic procedure very reliable and encouraging. Thanks to trustworthy lenders everyone can afford a satisfying style of life and reach the end of the month without worrying about the electricity or gas bill that has not been paid due to the depletion of the salary. The interesting datum reported by the latest statistics is that even more young people is turning to payday loans to cover regular outgoings, such as groceries or food shopping, thus emphasizing the idea of truthfulness and reliability of payday loan lenders.