Do you find it hard to talk to your significant other about money? You are not alone, it has been said that money issues cause 90% of divorces. Most people I talk with say that it is easier to avoid talking about money then deal with it. This usually leaves one partner with all the stress and responsibility, which leads to resentment and anger. So learn how to talk to your significant other now to avoid issues in the future.
You are not alone, it has been said that money issues cause 90% of divorces. Most people I talk with say that it is easier to avoid talking about money then deal with it. This usually leaves one partner with all the stress and responsibility, which leads to resentment and anger. So learn how to talk to your significant other now to avoid issues in the future.
To have success with your relationships and money, follow the tips above and create a plan together.
Single people- this article is relevant to you whether or not you are in a relationship. If you are not in a relationship, choose a friend or family member to practice talking to about your money. If you don't talk about money now with others, chances are you won't talk about it when you get into a relationship in the future. Regardless, by you talking about money with others, you are bringing your issues out into the open and may be an inspiration to others, especially the younger people in your life.
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