Set Your Family Budget and Emegency Fund and Stick With It
Recent economic woes can teach us thing or two about economic responsibility. Here's a look at the family budget and the emergency fund and why you need to stick to it.
Setting up for family budget and emergency fund is your first step and then staying with it is the second. Actually creating a really nice budget is the easy part but keeping with it becomes the challenge. Today we are dealing with factors like low unemployment and inflation so the family budget and emergency fund has become a lot more important.
If you are not good at handling your home finances you can bring on more problems that necessary. The amount of money you make each month is not as important as how well you use that money. Control over your income and your expenditures needs to be kept well in perspective including your assets and liabilities.
Did you ever consider that the person who makes just a few hundred each month ends up with the same money problems as the person who make thousands of dollars each month? Problems are a common denominator for everyone and just because you make more than most or even less than most the budget is crucial. There are a lot of people who are really very expert at creating family budgets but for some reason it does not help them because they don't stick to it.
In general,
the well constructed budget should be a sixty percent ratio. The sixty percent means that this is allotted to all they most important expenses that are 'must pay' kinds of things like food, utilities, housing, car payments, etc. The rest of the money in the budget will then be distributed amongst the rest of the things like retirement, taxes, emergencies, debt repayments, entertainment money, etc. The emergency fund plays an important role as it insures that you budget is not broken when the unexpected strikes.
Every penny that comes into the household and leaves the household finances needs to be accounted for in the budget plan. This needs to be a fine balance between all the money you spend each month. If you take a look at your family budget each day you will always be aware of what you have to spend.
The one thing that will destroy the delicately balanced family budget is impulse spending. If you keep this under control you will not be losing sleep over your finances