So what do you look for when applying for a credit card for your small business? One thing is for sure, wasting money isn’t an option because it can make or break your business. Things to look for are low interest rates and good customer service.
Ask around for companies with good customer friendly service. Some will let you off late payments time after time while others will come down like a ton of bricks. You need them to be flexible as you never know when you may run into problems.
Make sure you don’t go with one because of a low introductory offer. You want a long term one as you may not have time every six months to be jumping from one to another. Before signing up for one read the small print, remember it could save your business.
Look out for special bonuses companies offer. Some times companies such as Visa or American Express join with other companies to save you money on anything from shipping or office supplies
Here are two small business credit card options but look around for more and weigh up the benefits for each one
American Express Business Gold Card
CitiBusiness® Platinum Select® Card
The CitiBusiness® Platinum Select® Card is the card built for small businesses and includes:
A great place to find out more about credit cards is the internet, One useful site is: