Student Auto Loans With No Credit History Are Realistic Options
Student loans are more than just for fees; they are also for living needs, as students begin their independent lives. Thankfully, student auto loans with no credit history are available to transport first-time borrowers.
The idea that student loans only relate to college fees is not actually accurate. The fact is that students require many of the amenities and services that everyone else needs. Getting a car is sometimes necessary to get to and from campus,

and the availability of student auto loans with no credit history required makes buying one possible.As far as lenders are concerned, auto loans approved to students is a lot riskier than auto loans approved to the fully employed. But there are clear benefits in providing this kind of financing - not least the fact that these young students will be fully employed in the future, and be a valuable customer in the long run.Of course, given the fact that approval on loans is never guaranteed, student auto loans without a credit score can only be secured if the application is properly prepared. There are also some compromises necessary.What Having No Credit History MeansFirst of all, understanding what it is to have no credit history is important. It might seem that student auto loans with no credit history are a fantasy, but the fact is that no high school graduate has a credit history anyway. They have not taken out credit cards independently, but may have them only through their parents. Nor have they applied for a loan before since the law does not permit loans to individuals under the age of 18.What this means is that there is no history of debts, so no history of debt repayments. Therefore, the credit agencies do not have a file on them. It might seem then that, in such circumstances, auto loans approved to students are a major risk. But different lenders take differing viewpoints.On the one hand, students have no black marks against them, so there is little reason not to offer guaranteed student auto loans without a credit score. But on the other hand, these applicants have not proven their reliability, and so the risk is high.Why Approval is PossibleFor those lenders who see no evidence that a student applicant cannot be trusted, offering student auto loans with no credit is a fair business transaction. However, there are both positive and negatives to the whole deal.The principal positive is that statistically, first time borrowers are more intent on starting on the right foot. Therefore, the likelihood of auto loans approved to students being repaid on time is quite high. It is a leap a faith, but there is a general recognition that everyone needs to start somewhere.The chief negative aspect is that lenders will still protect their investment as best as they can, usually through collateral (the car) but often through a cosigner. So, as long as their money is guaranteed, student auto loans without a credit score are fine.Terms to Watch Out ForOf course, the terms of any loan are highly important. For lenders offering student auto loans with no credit history, this is doubly important as terms can vary quite wildly. Generally, their credit score starts out on the low side, so auto loans approved to students will often have higher interest rates, while the sum available to borrow is also often quite low.Still, because of competition between lenders, some special offers short of actual guaranteed student auto loans without a credit score are available. These can include cosigner-free terms, lower interest rates and even a delayed repayment scheme.Be careful of the small print before signing any loan agreement, but getting student auto loans with no credit history is certainly not the fantasy some believe.