With the increased profit potential associated with these stocks coupled with the fact that it's a different process anticipating the behavior of really cheap stocks, I decided to give Best Penny Alerts a try firsthand, so here are my experiences including the first pick which I received from it.
I first heard of Best Penny Alerts a few months ago and it caught my attention because unlike other analytical stock programs, this one ONLY looks at really cheap stocks for finding the best of them which are set to explode in value.
The most important thing to understand about this program is how works. It compares the behavior of really cheap stocks between the past and present to pick up on tiny overlaps in behavior. Stock behavior is very unique and specific and can tell you everything you need to know about stock in the current market and what you can expect from it. The problem is it's difficult to pick up on these overlaps manually, hence the growing popularity of this technology.
I mentioned the fact that I was drawn to the fact that it only targets really cheap stocks. It's just common sense that it takes less outside trading influence to directly and substantially affect the position of really cheap stocks, making them the sole focus for many day traders. Given this fact, I can't understand why more analytical stock programs don't target cheap stocks. The only thing I can think to account for is the fact that it's more difficult given the greater volatility.
How it works for you is that you sign up with the program and begin to receive picks via your e-mail.
The first pick which I received came in on a Sunday evening and advised me to invest in a pick valued at $.15. I placed my order when the market opened the next day and scooped up 1000 shares of that stock to monitor its performance. Because of personal factors, I wasn't able to check in on that stock's performance until the end of the day.
Once I did I couldn't believe my eyes. It had appreciated to $.31 over the course of one market schedule. By the time the market opened the next day, I couldn't keep from checking in on it every 20 minutes or so. It continued to climb on the hour, finally topping off at $.48. I got out around this time to more than ultimately triple my initial investment. That's not to say that every one of the really cheap stock picks behaves like this or appreciated so quickly, but it gives you a good idea of what they're capable of.
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