The Best Way for Kentuckians to Respond to Obamacare

Jul 4


Tracy Mc Manamon

Tracy Mc Manamon

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The best way for uninsured Kentuckians to respond to Obamacare is to get professional guidance to purchase health insurance.


The Supreme Court has upheld the Obamacare and this has provoked reactions from many quarters. The Democrats are rejoicing as they believe that healthcare reform will guarantee all Americans access to quality,The Best Way for Kentuckians to Respond to Obamacare Articles affordable coverage. On the other hand, the Republicans have vowed to continue opposing what they believe will neither reduce costs nor improve choice or care available to Americans. However, Kentuckians are thinking not so much that the law got passed, but what this means for them whether they are insured or not. What does the future hold for them as far as Kentucky health insurance is concerned? What is the best way to respond to Obamacare? Healthcare Reform and Possible Effects on Kentucky Health Insurance • Healthcare costs may rise: Most people are wondering whether the cost of health insurance Kentucky will rise or fall. Experts believe that by 2013, healthcare costs will increase. The reason is that the law aims at getting more people insured than keeping costs down.• Many benefits if you already have a policy: Obamacare ensures coverage for children up to age 26. Moreover, children with a pre-existing condition cannot be denied coverage. Healthcare reform has already taken away lifetime caps on coverage. It provides for free preventive care. All these benefits have resulted in a 75 per cent increase in the proportion of young adults with health insurance.• If you don’t have health insurance: Many Kentuckians who do not have insurance want to know how the Supreme Court’s decision will affect them. Well, you won’t have to worry as Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear has announced that the state is ready to establish a state-operated Health Benefit Exchange. The exchange will allow you to shop for health insurance from various providers. People can also get subsidies based on their income.  • More senior citizen benefits: if you are a senior citizen, you could stand to gain as Obamacare improves Medicare benefits. You would no longer fall into the coverage gap in Medicare prescription plans that go into effect once you reach a set drug coverage limit. Kentuckians who are over 65 will also be eligible for preventive care and checkups with no co-payments or deductibles. Open enrollment season is in the fall. If you are employed, be prepared to pay more as the cost of health insurance is rising. Your employer will have to pay more for your plan and so your share will be higher too. You may get a discount if you quit smoking or lose weight, though.The best way for uninsured Kentuckians to respond to Obamacare is to purchase coverage. There is still time to secure an affordable Kentucky health insurance plan. Find a licensed experienced  independent health insurance broker who can help you purchase comprehensive coverage at the lowest health insurance rates possible.