The Connection between leverage and hard money by hard money loans Arizona
So thanks for joining me at Real Estate Investing Today. We have talked about leverage and OPM, other people’s money and I want to help you become a successful real estate investor. Happy investing
Welcome to Real Estate Investing Today brought to you by hard money loans arizona. My name is Ryan Wright and thanks for joining me. Today I want to talk to you about the principle of leverage and hard money.
Leverage and hard money,

basically the use of hard money is all about leverage. People that want to use hard money want to leverage their time, their resources so they can accomplish more. Frankly the whole principle of loans and obtaining loans is all about leveraging you and if used appropriately can be extremely successful and if used inappropriately is going to determine serious failure. There is saying that says that I can leave any thing if I have a lever long enough.
Basically when it comes down to it, if you are talking about a wrench or you are talking about a lever sorts or whatever the case may be, if there is enough leverage on it it is really easy to turn that very very tight screw if you have got a handle that is long enough so it does not have to take a whole lot of effort on you part utilizing the force of leverage, which is exactly what the use of hard money is all about utilizing leverage from your resources.
We have a client I want to talk to you about who has enough money that he can pay cash or properties. But the problem is that they only have cash pay for one property. So they have a decision to make. Do I want to fix and flip one or two properties a year or do I want to split up those resources, use a hard money lender and be able to do more properties at a given time. And they frankly are using their money as money for rehabs, using money for down payments or any differences what hard money company is able to lend and what they are wanting or what their purchase price is so utilizing the resources they have combine with resources of other people and they are able to obtain great leverage, which allows them to fix and flip more properties about three times what they are able to do and they are able to gain an extreme advantage over any body else being able to do that many properties and the income that is generated is much more substantial because of their use of leverage.
So many sophisticated real estate investors talk about OPM, other people’s money basically how to use other people’s money to make success and that is one of the things that I like about arizona hard money loans. They offer 100% financing for buying the property at a level that they can lend. Now lots of times it turns out that they are only able to lend for example $70,000 and may you are buying the property for $80,000, which means you have to come up with $10,000. If a choice is here you can say no I am not just going to do deal altogether or you can say I will put the $10,000 down, utilize some one else money, OPM, other people money for the $70,000 so I utilize my own money for the $10,000 in the cost of my rehab and then I can move forward and successful transaction utilizing some body else money and that enables you to do another property as well. So with very limited or in sometimes no resources available you are able to utilize leverage and the principle of other people’s money so that you can obtain financing.
We have clients that do this on a frequent basis. They are very successful. Even clients have enough money to pay cash for properties they will utilize our funds because mainly they want their funds for a cash auction as have cash in 24 hours, which obviously Do Hard Money cannot facilitate cash flows in 24 hours and so it is good to have cash available and that is why they utilize Hard Money Loans Arizona’s money when they are doing things so they can have open resources, they can have other possibilities, they can make them successful.