$5,338.00 - Just to take 2 classes (Spanish and Public Speaking) in Summer School at St John's University - Is it Worth It?
I just received the bill for my daughter's enrollment in summer school at St John's University this year.
She will be taking 2 classes.
- Spanish Level II - 3.0 credits - Public Speaking Col - 3.0 credits ……… for a total of 6.0 credits.
Guess how much it cost?
Language Lab Fee………… $25.00 Tuition: St Johns College……$5,238.00 University General Fee………$50.00.
Now, I may not be a financial genius but a Spanish Class and a Public Speaking class for… $5,338.00? … for just over the summer?…
I can buy a Learn Spanish CD or cassette tape for about $15 or $20 bucks and join a local Toast Masters for FREE!
I could then spend the other $5,323 and take a trip to Spain for about a month and learn the language and soak in the culture.
But I guess it's better to just take the classes and pay $5,338. So, she'll probably do like most students do and just go borrow $5,338 Dollars. (They make borrowing easy for University students).
At $50/mo it will take 10 years to pay off... Just to go to summer school for a couple months.
There is a better way to fund your child's Higher Education. Make Them Work for it the way Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and the guys from Google did… By starting some kind of computer business.
They can run the business when they have time between classes and on weekends or evenings, even during classes on auto-pilot.
All they need is access to a computer and an internet connection. They can run their business from the schools computers, the library or their laptop or home compute or a cybercafe and the business is completely portable.
They can study online at any time. The lessons are there 24 hours/day EVERYDAY. The schedule is completely flexible. Your son or daughter can build up their business to Earn More Money than Doctors and Lawyers ... Without the LONG training period and hefty per credit fees.
They can literally Earn as they Learn. All they have to do is sign up for a FREE Training Program.
All the instruction anyone needs to start a profitable online business are available online Free-of-Charge. You will be given step-by-step instructions on a daily basis.
Just follow the daily instructions. It only takes about an hour a day.
You or your children won't be rewarded with an A+ when you finish the training classes. Instead, your Report Card is Your Paycheck. How Much Did You Make? - A Little or A LOT... or A Whole Lot!
How much you make is totally dependent on YOU!
There are no hourly limitations. With an A+ paycheck they can literally pay their way through college... And Graduate Debt FREE... (If they're willing to put forth effort).
And the Training is absolutely FREE. There are an abundance of programs like this you can find on the internet. …You Don't have to take out any Student Loans and Parent Loans.
Or would you rather pay $5,338 for 2 classes and then repay stuldent LOANS for the Next Ten Years?
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