Want Cheaper Online Car Insurance Quotes? Stick to Designated Driver Status

May 22


Mona Penslon

Mona Penslon

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There is nothing that will increase your premium like a DUI—even worse if you have a DUI that results in a fatality. It’s no secret; a DUI will cause you to have much higher online car insurance quotes.

There is nothing that will increase your premium like a DUI—even worse if you have a DUI that results in a fatality. It’s no secret; a DUI will cause you to have much higher online car insurance quotes.

If you go out for a beverage with more than one person,Want Cheaper Online Car Insurance Quotes? Stick to Designated Driver Status Articles choose a Designated Driver (DD) before you even go inside. If you are with a few friends, take the high road and volunteer to be DD. Something as small as two glasses of beer in a one to three hour period could put you just enough above the limit that you can be charged with drunk driving.

If you are one of the many Americans who shop online car insurance quotes every renewal for the best deal, you don’t want to ruin finding those great deals by having a DUI. Not only do your premiums go through the roof, you often have to reduce and remove protection just to afford it.

Buying online car insurance quotes for DUI insurance will give you many more options and probably cheaper prices than going straight to a standard insurance company, but why even risk this scenario at all? Unless you are committed to having one small drink and then waiting a good while before leaving, don’t drink at all.

If you do end up with a DUI, here are some tips to find better online car insurance quotes.

1.    If you have a full-coverage car, consider selling it and get an old clunker that just needs liability.  You will save thousands of dollars with that alone.

2.    Eliminate any unnecessary extras like roadside, rental, and medical if you already have health insurance. That doesn’t mean they aren’t important, but if you have to choose between being uninsured completely or having minimal coverage, it’s best to have minimal coverage.

You will be paying even higher rates when you compile a DUI with a no insurance surcharge.

3.    Exclude any drivers that cause your rate to be any higher if you have the choice.

4.    Drive perfectly from now on. Not that you would intentionally try to have more incidents, but it is imperative that you are extra cautious. You don’t want to put yourself in a situation where your license is revoked.

Once you have managed to finish paying your fines and your DUI gets older and you have no more incidents, the rest of the time will fly by and before you know it you can get great online car insurance quotes and put your protection where it needs to be.