What To Do About Health Insurance For College Students
Although it is true that many new college students are young and healthy, they still need health insurance coverage. Some of them are not interested in getting coverage because they really feel that it is not necessary.
Although it is true that many new college students are young and healthy,

they still need health insurance coverage. Some of them are not interested in getting coverage because they really feel that it is not necessary. The problem with not having it though is that they could let issues go unchecked and they would grow into something larger and worse then. You can find some different options for coverage.
If your parents have you on a plan, try to stay on it. This is usually less expensive than other options because it is for a whole group rather than an individual. Many insurance companies will allow coverage until age 23. There are some though that will extend that for people attending secondary schools up to age 25. If this is possible it is a great idea.
The only time that staying with your parents insurance might have issues is with an HMO and primary care doctors. These are quite often regional and you have to see the same doctor for your routine care and to get referred to specialists. If your college is far from home this is an issue. You should check before you have a medical need about this. Some HMO's have agreements with other networks or have national plans that can get you to a doctor in your area.
People can sometimes get benefits like insurance at work although this is hard for a student because you usually need to work for 40 hours to get this. That is a lot to do while attending school full time. A school offered health insurance plan would make life easier in a big way. If you can get something like that, then take it.
You need insurance. It doesn't matter where it comes from and even if you need to use scholarship money to pay for it, you should. A lot of students run into physical problems that stop them in there tracks. When all they needed to do was go see the doctor a little while back. Things do get worse if you don't take care of them sometimes.