Wired Plastic - Prepaid Card Review
Review of the Wired Plastic prepaid visa. How it works, the terms of the card, and the features.
The Wired Plastic Visa card is a prepaid credit card. You deposit money onto your card and then use your card to make purchases or withdraw cash at ATM's.
It is accepted over the phone and online. You card can be used anywhere you see the visa logo displayed.
It is free to sign up for account alerts via e-mail and text messaging. It can also make hotel reservations or rent a car.
A very unique benefit of this card is they have a rewards program. You will earn 1 point for every dollar spent using your card.
These points can be redeemed with participating retailers including; T-Mobile,

Cingular, Verizon Wireless and more. These points can be redeemed toward your account balance, ring tones, and music downloads.
This card is issued through Bankfirst and gives you free direct deposit. There is a $3.95 monthly fee but that is much lower to the standard monthly fee ranging from $9.95 to $19.95 a month for other cards.
Your card can also be used to write physical checks. These checks can be written to pay your bills such as; cable, utilities, and rent. This will eliminate paying for costly money orders. Your card can be loaded with money through a bank transfer, pay pal, and at over 100,000 retail locations.
There is no credit check or chexsystems verification for this card. It also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.
This card is very similar to a check card and checking account. If you are in chexsystems then it can save you money on check cashing fees and buying expensive money orders.
To qualify for this card you must be 18 years or older. You must be able to comply with the patriot act to verify your identity and have a US resident address. They will not issue you a card if you only have a P.O. Box.
In sum we do suggest the Wired Plastic prepaid visa. It is a great alternative to carrying cash.