Best Foods to Combat Spring Fever

May 20


Kate Jing

Kate Jing

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Spring fever often leaves us feeling lethargic and sleepy as the weather warms up. This phenomenon occurs because our physical metabolism increases, leading to higher oxygen consumption and, consequently, insufficient oxygen supply to our brains. Here, we explore the best foods to help you fight off spring fever and stay energized.


Understanding Spring Fever

Spring fever is a common term used to describe the tiredness and lack of energy many people experience during the spring season. As temperatures rise,Best Foods to Combat Spring Fever Articles our bodies undergo several physiological changes, including increased metabolism and oxygen consumption. This can result in feelings of fatigue and sluggishness.

Top Foods to Combat Spring Fever

Bamboo Shoots

Bamboo shoots, often referred to as the "king of spring vegetarian diet" in China, are rich in nutrients such as cellulose and amino acids. They are not only a delicious vegetable but also have medicinal properties. According to traditional Chinese medicine, bamboo shoots can aid in organ development, improve blood circulation, reduce phlegm, and enhance digestion.

However, bamboo shoots are not suitable for everyone. They contain calcium oxalate, which can be problematic for individuals with urolithiasis, kidney stones, or gallstones. Additionally, the high fiber content may exacerbate gastrointestinal issues and cirrhosis. Elderly individuals and children should consume bamboo shoots in moderation, not exceeding half a piece of a shoot.

Semen Euryales

In humid regions, dampness can lead to low spirits and increased spring fever symptoms. Semen euryales, also known as fox nuts or gorgon nuts, are effective in tonifying the spleen and removing moisture from the body. Similar to lotus seeds, they have a calming effect and can help alleviate the symptoms of spring fever.

Chinese Yams

Spring is a season when various infectious diseases, such as influenza, become more prevalent. Chinese yams are known for their ability to tonify the spleen and boost immunity. Regular consumption of Chinese yams can enhance macrophage phagocytosis, helping the body fend off bacterial and viral infections. If you are prone to sweating and catching colds, increasing your intake of Chinese yams can be beneficial.

Additional Tips to Combat Spring Fever

In addition to incorporating these foods into your diet, consider the following tips to stay energized during the spring season:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and maintain optimal energy levels.
  • Get Enough Sleep: Ensure you get adequate rest to help your body recover and stay alert.
  • Exercise Regularly: Engage in physical activities to boost your metabolism and improve your overall well-being.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet to provide essential nutrients.


Spring fever can be a challenging phenomenon to deal with, but incorporating the right foods into your diet can help you stay energized and vibrant. Bamboo shoots, semen euryales, and Chinese yams are excellent choices to combat the symptoms of spring fever. Remember to stay hydrated, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and maintain a balanced diet to keep your energy levels up during the spring season.

For more information on the benefits of these foods, you can refer to Healthline and WebMD.

Interesting Stats About Spring Fever

By understanding the causes and incorporating the right foods into your diet, you can effectively combat spring fever and enjoy the season to its fullest.

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