One of a carpet's greatest features is its ability to hold and hide dirt, yet dirt is it's greatest enemy. Soil and dirt become apparent when carpet is overloaded! Regularly scheduled vacuuming is one of the most important parts of a carpet maintenance program. However, no matter how well you vacuum there will still be some deeply embedded soil left behind. Only scheduled, regular, deep cleaning is effective at removing deeply encrusted soil.
When you wait until the carpeting looks like it needs to be cleaned. (by this time there could be fiber damage and spots may have become stains)
A well planned pro-active maintenance program will remove soil long before it can build to levels where serious damage will occur. Furthermore, with regular maintenance, carpet will retain its original appearance for a longer period of time.
How do you tackle dirt build up on carpets? If you believe that using chemicals on the affected area and scrubbing well is a great way of cleaning carpets, then remember that chemicals can weaken your carpet fibers and even damage the delicate ones. Scrubbing can also damage the appeal of carpets. To remove dirt build up from a carpet and extend its life, using carpet cleaning equipment is advisable.
Consider also the following factor for great carpet cleaning experience:
Cleaning agents – The cleaning agents help loosen or suspend the soil and dirt in the carpets. In the carpet cleaning business, good cleaning agents are quite safe while doing a great job at loosening the soil and dirt. The products used are similar to laundry detergent and work with the same principles.
Time – The length of time is directly related to the effectiveness of the cleaning agents and giving them enough time to work. The cleaning agents should be left on the carpet for about 15 minutes. The longer they are in contact with the carpet, the more they loosen the soil.
Heat – The most important aspect of heat is its ability to increase chemical activity. For every 18 degrees over 118 degrees, chemical activity doubles making the cleaning agents more effective. The problem with heat in carpet cleaning is that regardless of hot the water is when it is applied to the carpets, the heat goes away quickly, and does not provide a big benefit. The carpet cleaning industry overstates the importance of heat in carpet cleaning which helps spread the myth about its importance.
Agitation – Represents working the cleaning agents into the carpets to loosen the soil and dirt in the carpets. The agitation should be done after the cleaning agents are applied to the carpet. There are carpet groomers which can be brushed over the carpet to loosen the soil or one can get creative and use a broom or other agitation device. Spots at a minimum should be agitated with a white cloth. When agitated (blotted or rubbed) the spots spread out and lighten up or disappear (Both by being transferred to cloth and spreading out into the carpet). Spots that are not permanent can be typically dramatically improved in the agitation phase. Carpets fibers are strong and generally can take a lot of agitation. If the carpets are over agitated there is a risk that the carpet fiber can be damaged which can change the appearance of the area from the rest of the rest of the carpet.
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Auckland carpet cleaning
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