It’s an entirely different scenario to hold back tears when a full glass of red wine leaves its mark on your white carpet! What can you do to remove red wine stains from your carpet.
There are several solid methods for removing red wine stains that have worked well in a pinch, see which one works well for you. Just remember, whatever you do, don't let the spill sit for long before taking action, the longer it sits the more difficult it will be to lift the stain from your carpet or clothing.
First Response
Take a clean cloth and dab the spill in an effort to get the excess wine up and out of the carpet or clothing fibers ASAP. Once you have the majority of the spill blotted up, next you can tackle the stains with a variety of wine stain weapons. For starters you can take your favorite carpet shampoo or clothing stain remover, and clean as you would if the wine stain were a bit of dirt on the carpet or clothing. Or you can go for a less conventional, but often times more successful approach and try one of these tried and true wine stain solutions.
Salt it Out
A good dabbing job will take most of the wine out of the carpet, but usually not all of it. To help get the rest out, try covering the stained spot with a generous portion of salt. The salt granules will gradually draw the moisture in the stain out of the carpet over the next few hours.
Blot up the spilled wine right away. The longer you let red wine sit in your carpet, the harder it will be to get rid of the stain. Do yourself a big favor by acting fast! As soon as you notice the spill, grab a paper towel or rag and blot the stain to pick up as much liquid as possible before it can set.
Apply some cold water and keep blotting. Eventually, it will get difficult to blot more of the wine out. At this point, try getting the stain wet again with a small amount of cold water. This helps dilute the wine remaining in the carpet. Continue blotting (not rubbing) until the carpet is dry again.
White Wine to the Rescue
When red wine is spilled onto your carpet or clothes, white wine can be your true companion. White wine will help neutralize red wine and will make it easier to lift the color off of your carpet or clothing. Simply pour white wine over the stained area and very gently blot the liquid up with a thick towel (be very careful not to rub as this will force the stain into the carpet or clothing fibers). If the stain is still visible, you can add salt or soda to continue lifting out pigment.
If all your attempt fails, do not hesitate to call carpet cleaning professionals near you
Check out Auckland Carpet Cleaning for reliable assistance you need
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