Best Cockroach Control Tips By Altering Its Habitat
To help you solve your pest problem you should understand how cockroaches live, what kind you have and ways to control them. Cockroaches live in our homes for the same reasons we do - food, water and shelter. Unfortunately, they can feed on a wider variety of items than people to survive.
Preventing access to shelter,

food, and water around your home is one of the best control measures both outside and inside for cockroach presence. Altering its habitat is a long term control.Many cockroaches do not live in close association with humans. Others are found in only a few locations around the state. These are considered minor pests. It is important to know which kind of cockroach you are trying to control because each kind likes to be in a slightly different location. The cockroach pests that are most difficult to control are usually the smaller kinds, but if the larger ones establish inside, they too can be difficult to eliminate.
Habitat Alteration
- Caulk all cracks around pipes and other areas where holes penetrate through ground level walls.
- Stop water leaks, screen equipment overflow drains and take overflow water away from buildings; keep drain traps full of water or capped.
- Remove rotting leaves from window wells.
- Replace mulch around the foundation with plastic porous ground cover and gravel.
- Move garbage cans away from wet areas.
- Stop erosion that causes soil voids around foundations.
- Ventilate moist enclosed spaces.
Outdoor habitat changes that may help include:
- Remove as much mulch or debris around the building as possible. Prune tree limbs and shrubbery so they do not touch the house. Stack wood away from the house and raise the piles off the ground.
- If you have pets, do not leave food bowls out overnight and keep kennel areas clean.
- Dispose of garbage in sealed bags and in garbage cans with lids. If you recycle, rinse out cans and bottles, and keep your recycling areas in a dry location away from the house. Do not let your recycling area become too cluttered.
- Keep screens and weather stripping in good repair. Check attic vents and windows. Caulk large openings around outside drainage lines and sewer vents. Steel wool can be used as a temporary filler until you can caulk openings properly.
- Remember to check grocery bags, boxes, firewood, and other items that may serve as a means of entry for cockroaches.
If cockroaches do get inside, the following tips will help you control them:
- Keep food and garbage in tight containers.
- Clean up all crumbs and spills on floors, counters, and shelves as soon as they occur.
- Keep faucets and drains under sinks and appliances in good repair. Do not let water stand in the sink for long periods of time.
- Keep clutter from accumulating, especially in kitchens and bathrooms. Cockroaches often hide in messy cabinets and in stacks of newspapers, bags, and rags.
- Vacuum often. Vacuuming is very important because it can remove small food crumbs, and cockroach egg-cases that may not be killed by insecticides.
- Good sanitation is important, both inside and outside the house. It is often the best control measure for cockroaches.
For more helpful tips and information on this topic, check out our main page below:
cockroach control West Auckland