Carpet Get Easily Soiled

Sep 17


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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Our carpets are probably one of the most used parts of our homes. If you stop and think about it, we walk on it everyday as long as it is there. We get dirt on it through a lot of varying methods.


We get stains on the carpets in almost the same amount of ways. Because of that it is fairly easy to forget that carpets can be kept clean easily if you have figured out the correct how-to.

The first variety that carpets get dirt on is through the dirt that we bring that accumulates in us from the outside. The dirt we get on our shoes we can track into our homes very easily. So the main thing that we can do about it is to vacuum our carpets regularly. That is probably the easiest and best piece of advice that I can give clients of my carpet cleaning business. Because if you vacuum your carpets on a regular basis,Carpet Get Easily Soiled Articles you won't give the dirt on the carpet a chance to stain.

The next common way that carpets get dirty are from spills and food that we eat. These spills and accidents can cause stains. The bad news for this one is if you let the stains stay for longer than usual, it will be very hard to get rid of. The best way to get rid of these stains is to use good carpet cleaning supplies. The secret is in immediate treatment.

Finally the last common way that your carpets get dirty is from the pets we have. Our pets may vomit or soil our carpet by causing accidents. Either of those accidents can soil our carpets horribly and may create a permanent stain in a short period of time.

So those are some of the most common ways that soils our carpets. The secret to ensure that your carpet doesn't get soiled is to clean it immediately. Ever wonder why when you clean your carpets, they seem to get dirty faster.  In short your carpets are not being cleaned properly, and only appear to be clean.  The truth is that your carpets clean appearance is only the reflection of the excess soap that's been left behind in your carpets. Actually very little  of the soil has been removed and the sticky soap residue left behind will attract soil at a rapid rate. Carpets have to be left at a neutral ph level so they will not attract rapid resoiling.   Things like dust, tracked in soil, pet hair and other debris work their way deep into your carpet.  An inexperienced carpet cleaner will use cleaning solutions that are very high in alkaline (very soapy). In short they use too much soap, or the wrong soap, so they can advertise about removing unwanted odors. Removing odors is important, but when you use too much soap, you actually cause more problems. The idea is that soap helps clean your carpet and leave it clean and smelling good. The problem is that when the wrong soap is used, it cannot all be removed from the carpet. The soapy residue actually becomes a magnet for any dirt or other items on the product, and the carpet may even be a little bit sticky or tacky, if not on the surface, underneath. This is why  in just a few days' time you will have new stains appearing on your carpet, because they simply get locked into the carpet with the soap.   The unfortunate thing is that most carpet cleaners aren't even aware that they are using the wrong chemicals. Whether you are cleaning your own carpets, simply cleaning up a small stain by hand, or having your carpets done professionally, you should be careful how much soap is used. Not only will it cause more stains if too much is used, it will shorten the life of your carpet.   For assistance on effective cleaning, check out our main page here:carpet cleaning south auckland, carpet cleaner auckland
