Like thieves that don’t want to be discovered, pests live wherever they feel they can hide the best. In most homes, this tends to be the attic. Although some homeowners have refurbished attics, newer homes may not have done so yet, leaving them susceptible to becoming a home for rats.
Almost any professional exterminator with experience in getting rid of rats will tell you that finding and plugging entry points to the attic is the best way to keep the rats out. For the ones that are already in, trapping and poisoning methods can work effectively once a more confined setting has been established. Some of the most common entry points for rats include vents, chimneys, and even the gutters which they have managed to chew their way through, depending on the material.
Rats enjoy living in attics for a number of other reasons. Not only is it well hidden from regular human contact, it is also heavily insulated and widely spaced, with plenty of materials around for them to feed and chew on. Even though rats lean on human food for sustenance, they do not necessarily have to feed on the same types of food. Most homeowners mistakenly believe that keeping the garbage can sealed is enough to keep rats away. In reality, this isn’t the core reason why rats create a nest in your home (although it doesn’t hurt to keep trash out of sight). Shelter, obscurity, and other food sources are why they linger in your attic.
No More Rats in the Attic!The key to getting rid of rats in the attic is to seal the areas that they are entering from. Professional rat exterminators have the skills and experience in rat control to know where the most common areas are and which materials will successfully keep the rodents out. Traps and poison baits are then used as the next step against the rats that are already inside. The last step is the most unpleasant: removing the dead rats and replacing the damage, like the insulation and wiring. This is necessary, because rats leave behind pheromones and other scents to mark their territory and signal to other rats a potential habitat.
Understanding how to get rid of rats in any area of the home is not difficult once their habits and motives are discovered. By knowing pest control methods on how to get rid of rats, homeowners can continue living in clean, hygienically sound homes.
For more information and related topic, check the links below:
pest control auckland, pest control northshore, pest control south auckland
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