A flood-damaged building requires special attention to avoid or correct a mold explosion. Molds produce spores spread easily through the air, and they form new mold growths (colonies) when they find the right conditions: moisture, nutrients (nearly anything organic) and a place to grow.
Although there is wide variation in how people are affected by mold, long-term or high exposure is unhealthy for anyone. Exposure to mold can trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks. It may suppress the immune system or have other effects. Some types of mold in certain conditions can produce mycotoxins, which can be present in spores and fragments in the air. "Black mold" is a misleading term since many mold types are black.
Preventing Mold Growth after Flooding
Remove And Discard Moldy MaterialsPorous moldy or sewage-contaminated materials should be removed, bagged and thrown away. This includes gypsum wallboard, insulation, plaster, carpet/carpet pad, ceiling tiles, processed wood products and paper. To minimize the spread of spores, cover moldy material with plastic to contain spores before removal.
The best way to avoid mold hazards is to hire a licensed, trained and reputable water damage and mold remediation firm. After a flood, that may be difficult. Since many homeowners' insurance policies do not cover mold damage or mold remediation costs, many residents face having to do the cleanup themselves.
For assistance on the job, you may check out our main page here:
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