What's in a name? And more importantly your name! Your name resonates and helps to shape who you really are. Numerology is a 4,000 year old science based on the mathematics of the universe and it can help us to understand the patterns at play in the universe and in our lives. Your name is one such pattern. Numerology can help you to spot opportunities in your life and to help you to build on your strengths.
I have never really liked numbers. I would even describe myself as maths phobic. I would avoid a mathematical problem and would try to explain a whole page of numbers,
such as a balance sheet, with words! I always regarded numbers as factual, clinical, scientific and never really saw them as a source of enlightenment or as a means of describing or predicting anything, let alone my own life path.
However, I am a perpetual student of all that there is and how the universe ticks and I realise that I have been missing out on a huge body of knowledge that could help me to better understand my own personality and experiences and ways of relating to the world.
I recently discovered the power of numerology and it has been a real revelation. I have come to understand that mathematics describes the universe and that we can understand the workings of the universe through mathematics. In other words numbers and their patterns help us to understand patterns at play in the universe and in our lives.
A recent three part BBC television series, The Code, featured mathematician Marcus du Sautoy who explored how mathematicians have translated patterns in nature into a code of numbers and revealed hidden structures and patterns that control our environment. Marcus says:Mathematics is the code that makes sense of our universe." Therefore it makes sense that numbers should influence our lives.
Scientists can predict the likely positions of the planets and stars moving forward in time, or back in time to the night skies as they would have appeared to our ancient ancestors.
And so many numbers feature in our lives. The date and time of your birth are perhaps the numbers you most readily identify with, but which other numbers in your life are impacting on you? What about your house number?
Equally your name can be expressed as a number. Your name has enormous significance in describing who you really are and how you are likely to interact with the world. None of this is set in stone of course and once you understand, through numerology, the predicted patterns and observations you can decide to change the pattern of your life. For example: If you have trouble finishing what you start it could be something to do with the "special letters" in your name.
When a numerologist refers to the "special letters" in your name they are usually referring to the "Cornerstone" and "Capstone" letters in your first name.
The "Cornerstone" letter is the first letter of your name and the "Capstone" letter is the last letter. For example, in the name Peter the Cornerstone letter is P and the Capstone letter is R.
The first letter of your name reveals how you generate things in life. The last letter of your name reveals your capacity to to see your projects through and become accomplished in life.
Your Soul Urge number is constructed from the vowels in your name and this number reveals the passions that feed your spirit.
Numerology is a fascinating subject and very accessible. You can get a free personalised reading, based on your name e-mailed to your mailbox. The web address you need is provided below.