How Salt Act as a Control Agent for Flea

Jun 9


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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Flea season is upon us. Anybody who has ever had an infestation knows you have to combat fleas from many angles to control & eliminate these hopping, opportunistic parasitical pests. One of the most powerful agents in reducing flea populations is one of the most safest: Salt.


Can it be used effectively against large infestations of fleas? Yes. Salting and vacuuming your floors& furniture kills the flea's eggs by dehydrating them. If you take this route-you will be pleased with results. You'll have to be diligent & persistent with treatment to be really effective. But with patience it can be done.

Flea eggs hatch every 3 days,How Salt Act as a Control Agent for Flea Articles so by sprinkling your floors for at least 9 days, vacuuming each 3rd day for 9 days, takes you through the complete lifecycle of flea life. Be sure and empty your vacuum after each cleaning or the pests will just crawl back out and re-infest your home! You can also salt porches, doghouses and kennels to kill eggs & maintain flea control. Borax works as an alternative to salt but has a few cautions. In high humidity areas you may need to use a dehumidifier with the salt treatment for its use to be effective.

Once the cycle of breeding, laying & hatching is contained within the treatment, the fleas will be greatly reduced in population size. In fact, most of the fleas left may be found on you or your pet at this point and can be manually removed. Comb through you pet's coat with a flea comb. The special comb is very fine toothed and catches the fleas in between the tines. Keep a glass of soapy water nearby to clean the caught fleas off into. If you take your pet to a professional to have them groomed, a bath can be an effective way to remove body fleas from your pet.

How to kill fleas using salt:  Obtain some highly refined household salt or sea salt. Make sure it is as finely ground as possible, almost to a powder consistency. Sprinkle it lightly but evenly over your carpet. Brush or rake it in. Leave this in your carpet for 12 to 48 hours, then vacuum thoroughly.

Salt can attract moisture, so do not leave it in for very long in very hot or humid conditions.  Otherwise, you'll end up with salty, wet carpet.

For serious infestations, salt can be mixed together with boric acid. This chemical is found in a number of commercially-available products, such as Borax. Use the same technique as with refined salt; however, check with the carpet manufacturer to make sure your carpet can withstand boric acid. While boric acid is generally non-toxic, long-term, low-level exposure to boric acid can cause some health conditions in humans and pets, so this treatment should not be used frequently.

Fleas also cannot survive hot temperatures over 90 degrees. Closing up the whole house on a hot summer day can kill all the fleas you have inside your home.

For more relevant information, check the links below:

flea control northshore,flea control auckland

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