Musty Odor in Carpet Associated with Molds is Unhealthy

Jul 13


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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Musty carpet smells are most commonly caused by mildew that has started growing on the carpet or underneath the carpet. Mildew thrives in damp and colder environments where it will continue to reproduce.


If a homeowner has a musty smell in their carpet,Musty Odor in Carpet Associated with Molds is Unhealthy Articles they need to not only get rid of the mildew but also to prevent it from happening again. In order to effectively kill mildew in carpeting, you will need to follow the correct remediation guidelines. These mold remediation. guidelines should be followed strictly because mildew can occasionally be liberated into the air. The problem from carpeting that causes mold is because either moisture or some dampness has been allotted on the carpeting. At times when you hire carpet cleaners and they use water or other moisture cleaning products, you can have problems. Most problems in carpeting is caused from excess water or flooding that happens from sinks, showers, and other water sources. Many times you will discover that there are black spotting on the carpeting.

Stop the Source of the Mildew First

Before one can even think about how to get rid of a musty smell in carpeting, they must find the source of the problem. In some instances it may be something that can't be stopped such as mildew growing in the bathroom from condensation from showers and baths. In most other instances there is a cause of the mildew growing in the carpet that needs to be stopped or else it will just come right back.

If the musty carpet is in the basement or the ground floor of a home, the foundation or flooring of the home may be leaking. Water may be getting underneath the carpe, and when it sits there mildew and mold is able to grow. Other causes can be leaking pipes in the floor or walls as well as condensation from pipes. If a homeowner is not very handy with home improvements, they may want to call a professional to come and check out the problem and remedy it.

If it is found that mold is growing on the carpet, the best solution is to get rid of the carpet. Mold presents a bigger risk than mildew and can cause health problems.   This is most likely from the spores growing on the surface of the carpet fibres. In order to kill mold in carpet, you have two options. The first option is to remove the moldy carpet entirely. The second option is to use a natural cleaning product that will take out the mold enzymes. Removing the moldy carpet is usually in the category of mold remediation. You want to be sure when removing carpeting that you follow all the remediation guidelines. At times spores can be liberated into the air because of the shaking and removing of the carpeting. This can cause a larger problem due to the spores liberating into the A.C. system and throughout the house. In order to correctly and efficiently remove mildew it is recommended to have a natural cleaning product that kills and also prevents spores from coming back. White vinegar is a great all-purpose cleaner that is safe on most carpets. Before anyone uses any type of cleaner on flooring, it should be spot tested in a small spot that is not obvious.     For more carpet cleaning ideas, check out the links below:   carpet cleaning auckland,carpet cleaning south auckland