Can You Prevent Spyware, Worms, Trojans, Viruses, ... To Work When You Switch Your Pc On ? I Can And I Do It On A Pro-active Basis.
Surfing Means More And More To Stay Invisible, To Be Clean From The Inside And To Prevent Installment Of Malicious Software (So Preventing Unwanted Communication From Inside To Outside And From Outside To Inside).
How do you stay invisible while surfing? Of course by installing a firewall. How do I get one free? That's the easy point.
You like to stay invisible. But are you? And how do you know? You could do a test from someone out there trying to get in. But who can you trust?
Suppose you are doing a test. Do you obtain objective and reliable information about your PC-vulnerability (for free)?
Now even if you stay invisible, you will visit websites leaving cookies in your PC and you will download software. By doing so you will get spyware, viruses, ...
How can you detect them and delete them? That's also the easy point: you have to install an anti-virus program and anti-spyware programs. Research on the internet makes it clear that you need 2 anti-spyware programs. Why 2? Because a great fish may be caught by the net but a small fish can swim through the holes. Using 2 makes the holes smaller. What are those 2 free programs you have to download?
Can you prevent spyware to install on your PC? Maybe, maybe not. There is one free software that might prevent it (but not with 100% guarantee).
And even then you need an additional freeware program to prevent a piranha to install itself on your PC (just enabling itself to start up whenever you switch your PC on).This freeware program is overlooked by many and gives you an additional feeling of relief and security. It gives you also a hint whether some new downloaded software is good or bad (and thus giving you the chance to delete it anyway before it becomes too malicious).
Now you owe it to yourself to maximize the safety of your PC for surfing. You need a firewall,an anti-virus software, 2 anti-spyware programs, one spyware preventing program, a trusty guard preventing installment in your startup files and even 3 musketeers. And last but not least do a safe test to get an objective idea about the vulnerability of your PC.
Everything is free. It only needs your attention. So look after the fully simple and logical steps in:
After all, preventing a disease is better than curing it !!