Why deprive not only your family, but the animal too, of the companionship that dates back historically 10,000 years. Instead arm yourself with the knowledge, tools and supplies that will make living with your pet and keeping a clean home easier and less labor intensive.
If you lay down a few ground rules, sharing your home with an animal needn't mean too much extra work. Don't worry that you might not be able to train your animal well enough to follow house rules — the rules are for you, not your pet!
A quality vacuum cleaner is an essential tool in your campaign to lift pet hair from your home. If anyone in the household is asthmatic or prone to allergies, get a vacuum with a high-grade filter. The filter helps keep the microscopic allergens sucked up by the vacuum safely inside the machine.
Use the upholstery tool on your cleaner to suction hairs off sofas and curtains. But don't bother with those gadgets that use an adhesive roller to lift up hairs. You'll be there all day, just cleaning one armchair. To rid your clothing of pet hair, wrap a circle of wide adhesive tape around your fingers, sticky side out, and dash up and down your clothes, pressing the tape firmly against the fabric. Pay attention to the bottom of your legs where your pet may have brushed against you. The fur sticks to the tape, leaving your clothes smart again.
For chairs, beds, and blankets (or anywhere your pet sits), brush the area wearing a wet rubber glove. Use your fingers to get right into the corners of cushions. Afterwards, simply rinse the gloves under the tap to remove fur. (Remember to scoop this out of the drain and drop it into the bin.)
Groom your cat and dog outdoors, to minimize airborne skin particles that contribute to allergies. Get loose fur off a molting cat or dog by rubbing over its body while wearing damp rubber gloves. Metal flea combs make good grooming brushes for cats. They're quicker to use and clean than traditional wood and soft-bristle brushes.
Rub off mud and dirt from your dog using a damp towel. If it's cold, follow up with a rubdown with a warm one, straight from the clothes dryer or a radiator.
Go with the flow. If you've a Dalmatian, buy cream or beige carpets, and avoid dark floor coverings and seating. Black Labrador owners should do the reverse.
Quilted fabric pet baskets look cute. Probably they're snug and cozy, too. Unfortunately, in cleaning terms, they're hopeless. A bed for your cat or dog has to be one that you can clean out and disinfect regularly. Failure to do so means that your pet's bed is likely to become home to mites and fleas that live to bite your pet, making that basket not so cozy after all.
Wicker is a better choice because you can wash down the basket. Take it outside to clean. Shake out loose dirt then use a small stiff brush or the crevice tool on your vacuum cleaner to get out the rest. After vacuuming, always change the bag with care or empty the cylinder, as adult fleas may now be in your cleaner. Repeated wetting can weaken wicker, so only give the basket a thorough hose down occasionally. Choose a dry, sunny day so that it can air-dry quickly and thoroughly. The rest of the time, content yourself with spray cleaner.
You can try removing odors by sprinkling baking soda in the smelly dog or cat's bed. It won't harm your pet, and freshens him as well as the bedding.
For more cleaning options and ideas, check out the site below:
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