A single fruit fly buzzing around your kitchen may be annoying, but a whole group of flies in your home can spell disaster for lunch or dinner.
For people who live in warm climates, a fly swatter is essential to keep flies from swarming all over your kitchen. A single fly is annoying by itself, but you can only imagine what would happen if dozens or even hundreds of flies hover and buzz around your dirty kitchen. Fly swatters are useful because you can repel the flies, or even kill them if they get particularly annoying. Here are some tools that you can use to swat flies away:
If you're not keen on using insecticide, then you may want to use fly traps. Traps can be used to collect the flies for disposal, or kill them altogether. Compared to insecticide, fly traps are less expensive and non-toxic. They are also ingenious ways to get rid of fruit flies in your kitchen.
Fly PaperThe old reliable sticky strips your grandma used in her kitchen are still very useful for getting rid of fruit flies. Many strips of fly paper come with sweet scents that attract fruit flies. The flies then stick to the adhesive, and you can dispose of them properly. Sometimes the adhesive in fly paper is mixed with a toxic substance like arsenic. Fly paper is reliable, although it can be a chore to roll up and throw in the trash bin.
Bowl and Glass TrapsTo make a fly trap out of a kitchen bowl or a glass, follow these instructions:
The bowl or glass trap works by luring insects into making their way inside the container. While it's easy for them to get in, it's impossible for them to get out. You can then dispose of the flies and the fruit bait properly by throwing it in the trash bin.
For more control ideas and related information, check out the main page here:
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