Termite Infesting Carpet and Other Flooring

Jul 9


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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Although they are most commonly known for their wood-eating habits, termites are capable of infesting many cellulose-based materials. They can be found in books, photograph frames and fibers such as carpeting.


Termites live in colonies under ground. They are present in the ground just below the foundation of our own houses. They tunnel through the foundation and venture above the ground in search of food. They eat cellulose contained in wood,Termite Infesting Carpet and Other Flooring Articles paint, paper, cloth, plastic etc. the problem of termites if unattended to can cause serious damages to many our properties; especially wood. There are two types of termite protection treatment depending on when it is done viz. pre construction and post construction. Preconstruction It is always advisable to administer termite control treatment before starting construction. Termite protection is basically done using pesticides in different stages. Preconstruction treatment is done using a chemical pesticide called chlorpyrifos which is relatively less toxic in nature. Post construction Sometimes termites attack the floors, walls and woodworks of our house in just a few months from completing construction. At this stage treatment becomes difficult as the construction is already over and termites have already invaded the insides of the walls. In post construction termite treatment, holes are dug into the walls at a distance of 30 centimetres from each other and strong pesticides are pumped into it. There are separate treatment techniques for wardrobes as well as wooden properties. The termite attacks under carpets and floor tiles are relatively difficult to solve. Control of other pests Pests like lizards, cockroach, rat, and ants need separate treatment techniques. They are known by different terms such as integrated lizard management, gold seal (cockroach), pied piper (rats), bug busters etc. in fact the type of treatment varies for various types of cockroaches. The gold seal treatment is commonly done for cockroaches. In this type of treatment fipronil paste is placed in places where cockroaches visit frequently. The treatment is done once in four months. For trapping lizards and rats a material called trouble gum is used. This gum is fixed in places like lampshades where lizards are likely to live in order to trap them.

In late spring and early summer, termites participate in swarms wherein winged male and female reproductives mate and go on to form new colonies. Following these mating swarms, winged termites shed their wings. These wings can be found in piles throughout an infested home and are sure signs of an infestation. Termite wings are clear and appear similar to fish scales.

Other signs of termite infestation include sagging walls, loose plaster, piles of plaster or wood dust and stuck doors or windows. By the time a termite infestation becomes obvious, it is oftentimes full-blown. If you suspect an infestation in any area of your home, contact a local pest control professional to schedule an inspection.

For more relevant information, check out the links below:

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