Ticks belong to the arachnid family and are related to spiders and mites. They are very small insects which are usually no bigger than 2-3 millimeters. However, when they are engorged after feeding, they can sometimes reach 1 centimeter in size.
Ticks survive by feeding off the blood of other mammals and birds. Popular hosts include humans, dogs, cats and cattle. After ticks attach to their host, they will feed on its blood anywhere from a few hours to several days. Because ticks are so small, individuals may not notice when they have been bitten by a tick. However, ticks can transmit a variety of harmful diseases from one host to another. These include Lyme disease, Q fever, Colorado tick fever and babesiosis; each of these diseases can cause serious health problems and can potentially be fatal. If you realize that you have been bitten, knowing how to get rid of ticks is important. However, it is also important to prevent contact with ticks by wearing protective clothing and tick repellent spray when outdoors.
Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that can be found in areas across the United States. The ticks attach to the host through physical contact, and insert their mandibles and feeding tubes into the skin to suck the blood of the host. Several varieties of ticks exist and can cause serious harm to the host, particularly if the host is old or ill. Seed ticks attack animals such as horses or cattle, and can swarm in groups up to 30,000. However, if a single tick attaches to humans in common areas such as the legs and head, the tick can be very difficult to find and hard to remove after it has already attached itself to the host.
A pest management company can offer a solution to assasin bug infestations. With professional exterminators, homeowners get the treatment that they need in order to receive the assasin bug solution they seek. The best part of hiring an experienced exterminator is that they have the knowledge and expertise to do it right from the beginning. Call a professional exterminator today!
For more info, check the links below:
insect control, pest control northshore, pest control
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