10 Signs of Low Testosterone Levels & Simple Ways to address them
Testosterone is the male sex hormone, produced in testicles. No, it is not ONLY found in males but the quantity and function of it in females is very less. It is a steroid hormone. The main functions of this hormone are: Development of male genitals. Development of secondary sexual and masculine characters in boys at puberty. Development of bone and muscles. Production of sperms. Sex drive. Help in achieving and maintaining the erection. Maintains RBCs and bone density.
Testosterone levels in males naturally decrease with age and this natural drop in hormone levels is termed Andropause or Male Menopause. But the condition in which a man’s body is unable to produce enough testosterone is termed Male Hypogonadism.
According to FDA,
the normal testosterone levels in a male range from 300-1,000 nanograms per decilitre. American Urological Association states that testosterone levels below 300 nanograms per decilitre indicate a deficiency of testosterone (TD) or Low-T. Circulating testosterone level in a body is determined by a type of blood test i.e. Serum Testosterone Test.
- Decreased Sex Drive or Libido
- People with Low-T show a major decline in their sex drive.
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Lower testosterone levels cause problems in achieving and maintaining an erection.
- It, sometimes also causes spontaneous erections anytime like while sleeping or working, You can also take some Erectile Dysfunction pills to to cure your ED faster.
- Reduced volume of semen
- Semen is the fluid containing sperms released by males during ejaculation.
- Testosterone plays a major role in sperm production and lower testosterone levels cause a reduction in the volume of semen while ejaculating.
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become weak and brittle and more prone to fractures.
- As testosterone helps in maintaining bone density lower testosterone levels can cause osteoporosis.
- Loss of Hair
- Low-T causes loss of hair leading to baldness.
- Low-T does not only cause loss of hair from the head but from all over the body.
- Fatigue
- Decreased energy levels and all-time fatigue are signs of lower testosterone levels in the body.
- Low-T causes reduced energy levels, physical strength and endurance.
- Increase in body fat
- Males with Low-t have been observed to experience gain in body weight due to increased body fat.
- Sometimes, males are observed to have a condition known as Gynecomastia.
- This condition cause enlargement of breasts due to an imbalance caused between estrogens and testosterone due to lower testosterone levels.
- Affected Memory
- Men with Low-T are found to have difficulties in concentrating.
- Due to lack of focus, they tend to forget things and are not able to perform well at work.
- Low blood counts
- According to an article in the Journal of American Medical Association, doctors are now linking lower testosterone levels to lower blood counts.
- Mood Swings
- As I told earlier that the condition of lower testosterone in young males is termed Male Menopause.
- Males undergoing Male Menopause are more likely to show symptoms shown by women in Menopause. E.g. Irritability, depression and hot flashes.
- Exercise Regularly and Maintain a Healthy Bodyweight
- Studies have found that overweight causes a drop in testosterone level.
- Exercises have found to maintain testosterone levels in men. The key is to keep your body moving and your muscles busy.
- It has been observed for overweight people that weight-lifting and HIIT are more helpful in increasing testosterone levels than weight-loss diets. Weight lifting exercises boost up testosterone production.
- Eat a Complete and Healthy Diet
- Both over-eating and under eating causes disturbance in the testosterone levels.
- Your diet should be complete including Proteins, Carbs and Fats.
- Avoid excess alcohol or drug overuse as both of these can decrease your testosterone levels.
- Some must-have foods to increase your testosterone levels are:
- Tuna
- Egg Yolks
- Low-fat Milk
- Cereals
- Shellfish
- Beans
- Nuts
- Beef
- Oysters
- Enjoy your coffee
- Don’t skip your pre-workout or morning coffee due to caffeine and also don’t have decaffeinated drinks. Studies have observed that caffeine helps in increasing testosterone levels.
- Follow a Healthy Lifestyle
- A healthy lifestyle is meant to have all in it i.e. good food, physical activity, sound sleep and healthy sex life.
- Healthy sex life will keep your testosterone levels in check.
- Have sound sleep for about 7 to 8 hours a day.
- Try to do things in your daily life that reduces stress and make you content and happy.
- It may include listening to comedy or a small success in your work.
- We are all aware that stress has all sorts of bad impacts on our life and mental health. But Stress also has an impact on decreasing testosterone levels.
- A hormone i.e. Cortisol impacts the levels of another hormone i.e. Testosterone.
- Both stress and cortisol lead to over eating causing weight gain and unnecessary storage of fat. We need to reduce stress and cortisol from our body to prevent a decrease in testosterone levels.
- Cortisol and Testosterone work in opposite directionse. an increase in the level of Cortisol will drastically drop down the testosterone levels.
- Take Vitamin D and Zinc Supplements
- The presence of vitamin D in the body helps in regulating testosterone levels. So, make sure you give your body at least 10 minutes of sunlight exposure in a day.
- If that is not possible by any chance, try Vitamin D supplements.
- The deficiency of zinc in the body is believed to have a direct link with hypogonadism. So, if you are suffering from hypogonadism try including a Zinc supplement in your diet.
- Try some Natural Testosterone Boosters
- Some natural herbs are supposed to boost your testosterone levels and many scientific studies support this fact.
- The most important of them is Indian doctors and the elderly have been prescribing this herb as a medicine for infertility, lower libido, lower sperm count and impotency, for years.
- Ginger and Shilajeet are also believed to be natural testosterone boosters.
Other than all of these simple ways mentioned above there are testosterone therapies for the treatment. If you observe any sign of reduced testosterone levels in you or your relative try consulting to doctor as soon as possible and follow the prescriptions. Wish you a healthy life.