Heart diseases are no 1 killer, act now! Follow 10 ways to stay heart healthy!
Do you know Cardio vascular diseases are the leading cause of deaths in world? This silent yet lethal disease has surpassed all types of cancers in killing people. Each year almost 18 million lives are lost to heart diseases; which is 31% of total deaths in world.
Previously heart diseases were linked with old ages but now heart diseases are increasing at alarming rate in young people too. News of people in mid 20s and 30s with heart attacks are so common now. It’s high time we start taking care of our hearts before it gets too late!
Keep risk factors at bay. High blood sugar, high blood pressure, high levels of blood cholesterol, obesity, sedentary lifestyle are few risk factors of heart diseases. An overall healthy lifestyle with balanced diet can minimize all the risk factors.
In this blog, lets prioritize our health and take a sneak peek to ways making our heart healthy and young. With some efforts we can ensure better heart health-
Both sugar and salt are essential to inject taste to food, but excess of any of these can be threatening to our health. Consider healthy substitutes like jaggery, honey whenever possible.
Fats are essential for body’s functioning, but we need to be cautious of what type of fat we are eating. Saturated and trans-fats (LDL-low density lipoproteins) are bad for our heart; while good fats (HDL- high density lipoproteins) protects our heart from arteriosclerosis. HDL reduces LDL and further protects heart from damage.
Smoking is associated with increased risk of clogging in arteries and lower HDL (High density lipoproteins i.e. good cholesterol). HDL protects heart. There are additional risk of high blood pressure and development of blood clots with smoking.
Quitting smoking reduces risk of heart attack to half within a year. Avoid both smoking and passive smoking.
Some studies show that very small amount of alcohol is good for heart, but the disadvantages of alcohol are must bigger threat. Alcohol damages liver in long run and causes weight gain, which is certainly not good for our heart.
Stress is a very potentreason of high blood pressure and heart diseases.
Exercise is not only a blessing for heart health but is beneficial for your general well- being. Exercise prevents many lifestyle diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity, PCOD, etc.
Refreshing sleep decreases the risk of both heart attack and brain stroke. People with sleeping issues have high level of cortisol which is linked with heart diseases
One might wonder how dental careis linked with heart health; well periodontal diseases are linked with heart diseases. Bacteria from mouth can infect heart too.
Regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels may diagnose many heart problems in initial stages and may prevent damage to heart.
If, you have any family history of heart disease be more vigilant with your heart health. Having any first degree relative with heart diseases put you at very high risk.
But with adequate measures you can beat the disadvantage of genetic predisposition of heart disease.
Be proactive and start your heart care today!
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