3 Bad Reasons To Visit Urgent Care
While urgent care clinics certainly have their places, parents need to remember that there are some reasons that shouldn't prompt visits to them.
There are many legitimate reasons to take your baby to an urgent care clinic. However,

sometimes it's difficult for parents to discern whether an injury or ailment is requires a trip to a clinic, the emergency room, or their regular pediatrician or family doctor's office. Of the many legitimate reasons to visit your local clinic, here are three reasons that aren't the greatest.
1. There's a life-or-death emergency.
By all means, call 9-1-1, or take your child straight to the emergency room! Whether the issue is major bleeding or vomiting after a fall, listlessness, problems breathing, or other clearly "urgent" needs, urgent care is really not the place best equipped to handle these kinds of potentially life-threatening conditions. Instead, these kinds of clinics are designed to handle non-emergency conditions that simply can't wait until regular office hours or until an appointment slot with your regular physician opens up. If you were to take a child with a swelling bee sting to the ER, you'd probably have to wait quite a while after triage because a bee sting isn't generally an emergency. If you suspect an allergy or just really want the situation evaluated right away, taking your child to a clinic may be your best bet—and the wisest use of your evening.
2. It's a minor or chronic issue.
These kinds of problems can be best addressed by your regular pediatrician or family doctor, who personally knows your child's health history. Of course, an exception to this rule would be if your child's doctor has said that if a chronic issue intensifies, your child should be seen immediately, no matter whether the office is open. Another would be if you're uncertain whether the issue could become a major one. Generally, however, if it's something that can wait until the next day, it probably should.
3. You're bored on a Saturday night.
Actually, many urgent care clinics are open weeknights but only during the days on weekends. Be sure to check the hours before you head out, but if you really want something to do with your kids, try the play place at your local mall or a nearby fast food restaurant. You should only take your children to a clinic if they really need medical attention. If you're just curious about something, feel free to bring it up at their next well-child visit with their regular physician.
Even though urgent care clinics don't meet the same needs as do emergency room or pediatrician, they can be helpful when a child's fever spikes, a mysterious rash appears, or a parent simply needs some peace of mind after an accident or fall. As long as you realize what they are and what they aren't, they can become a valuable asset in caring for your child's health.