3 Things You Should Know About Breast Augmentation Recovery
The purpose of this article is to discuss breast augmentation recovery. In doing so, important information about the recovery process will elaborated on.
Are you concerned about your breast enhancement procedure? Specifically,
are you worried about the recovery process? If you are worried or at the very least concerned about an upcoming breast enhancement surgery, then you are not alone. Having plastic surgery is a big deal, so there is an inherent amount of concern that comes along with such a decision. However, there is a big difference between first time jitters and being scared altogether. The good news is that fear can be calmed by information. This is especially relevant with respect to the preparation of and the recovery process thereafter a breast enhancement procedure. It is the intention of this article to discuss 3 things you should know about breast augmentation recovery in an effort to aid potential patients in calming their fears and ensuring the success of their outcome.
The first and perhaps most obvious thing you should know about breast augmentation recovery is that general recommendations of 2 to 3 days of bed rest after the procedure. Although the primary reason for this is to promote the adjustment of the implant in the body, it will also aid in the proper healing of the incisions. Another thing that you should know about breast augmentation recovery is that bandages should not be removed without doctor approval. Removing the bandages even just to peak at the implants can cause significant problems including risk of infection, slippage as well as other long term damages. As a result, it is best to leave them alone and wait for the plastic surgeon to remove them, as he/she will do so properly. The third thing that you should know about breast augmentation recovery is that the recovery process will require a significant amount of patience. This is particularly true with respect to realizing the results of the surgery. It takes nearly 2 to 3 weeks, depending on the individual's healing process and how well doctor instructions are followed, for the breast to not only heal from surgery but to also settle and look normal. Trying to expedite any step of the recovery process will not only impede on the immediate results but can also cause long term damages as well.
Whether you are experiencing first time jitters or legitimate fear with respect to your breast enhancement surgery, it is important to realize that your concern is normal and that such concern can and will be eased with the necessary information. This is particularly relevant with respect to the recovery process thereafter your procedure. Specifically, there are 3 things that you should know about breast augmentation recovery, they include general recommendations of 2 to 3 days of bed rest after the procedure, bandages should not be removed without doctor approval and the recovery process will require a significant amount of patience with respect to realizing the results of the surgery.