5 Fatty Foods
It is the unfortunate truth in life that some of the most delectable foods to enjoy can be the fattiest. Here are 5 that you should monitor so that you don't become what you eat.
Eating in today’s society can mean navigating wisely through a plethora of calorie-filled and fatty offerings. Portions have become massive and with the push for fast,

quick, easy meals comes the downgrade of nutritionally sound foods. There are everyday foods that we consume that make our waistlines bulge with their high fat content and here are a few of those that we may not be aware contain such a high fat content:1. Avocados - These yummy fruits are nutritious for you, but in moderation. They contain a fat content that is about 80% of their total calories at approximately 30 grams of monounsaturated fat! This is a healthier fat that can lower bad cholesterol but if on a weight conscious diet, then avocados may not be the right food to veg out on. 2. Mayonnaise - Mayo is 80% fat! This common condiment has about 12 grams of fat in only one tablespoon, so finding substitutions for its usage could help to whittle down the hips. There are lower fat options on the market that should be utilized when making dips. 3. Ice-Cream - This rich and creamy delight can pack quite a heavy serving of calories and fat, particularly if loaded with toppings and mix-ins that people enjoy adding. Two scoops at lots of popular ice-cream shops such as Baskin-Robbins or Ben & Jerry’s can add 650+ calories and around 40 grams of fat! Imagine the bad intake if it’s a large shake, blizzard, or any other large concoction that doesn’t even include the whip cream on top. 4. Meat - Many meats have a high fat content that must be trimmed off as much as possible without losing all of the flavor. Fatty culprits include ribeye steak, hot dogs, pork or beef ribs, and turducken ( a de-boned chicken stuffed into an equally deboned duck that is then put inside of a turkey). As well, deli meats are often astronomically high in sodium and fat, so be aware of that and opt for very lean cuts of meat. When cooking, baking or broiling the meat are great options as opposed to frying the meat. 5. Salad Dressing - Salads are a dieter’s best friend, but loading them down with rich and fat laden dressings is completely counterintuitive. These often tasty additions can add 300 calories and around 30 grams of fat if four teaspoons are used! This doesn’t factor in toppings like cheese, avocado, meats, or nuts. A smart diet choice is to add a vinaigrette instead such as Raspberry vinaigrette or a balsamic vinegar dressing. Eating healthy, can be a task that requires diligent censoring but the rewards of a healthy, trim body are great. Watch out for foods with hidden fat and caloric content and you will be well on your way to a new figure.Learn more nutritional tips to improve your health at our Chicago Chiropractic clinic website. Our blog has numerous posts on this topic.