5 Symptoms That Your Teen May Need a Hearing Center
Taking your teenager to a hearing center is a crucial way to keep regular checks on any hearing loss. This article discusses some of the more common causes of auditory and five symptoms of hearing loss in young people.
Did you know the number of teenagers with a mild form of hearing loss has increased over the last ten years? Hearing centers report one in twenty teens don't hear as well as their counterparts did in previous years. This hits home when you realize a person with mild auditory loss may not be able to hear another person whisper in their ear. It's definitely true our young people live in a world with significant exposure to loud noises. Cranked up music on electronic devices,
movie theaters and the ever-present earbuds seen on so many are a few of the culprits. The problem is that when you ask a teen if they believe they've listened to music or other noises at dangerous levels, they disagree. They've grown accustomed to a particular decibel level, and they have suffered for a while with mild auditory loss and are unaware of it. For these reasons it's vital you have your teenager's hearing tested on a regular basis at a hearing center. Auditory specialists will be able to test, diagnose and prescribe a correction if any loss is discovered. 5 symptoms your teen may have hearing loss: 1) Do they turn up the volume on the television or radio more so than they did in the past? 2) Do they constantly ask others to repeat themselves? 3) Do they seem to avoid conversations and social activities? 4) Do they complain of ringing or buzzing in their ears? 5) Is there any discharge from the ear? Many teenagers are unaware of their hearing loss and just believe it's normal as they know it. Sometimes it's their family members who first begin to detect loss. When this happens, the very best and first thing is to take your teenager to a hearing center for an evaluation. Another crucial change to be aware of is teenage depression. Many things in life can cause it but auditory loss can also be a trigger. The teen years are difficult ones and low self-esteem in any area can affect the social life. If your teenager has developed auditory loss, they'll need to learn how to function with that loss. There are a multitude of state-of-the-art digital aids on the market today, which enhance the ability to hear. It must be noted there are many other reasons for auditory loss and a trip to a hearing center will uncover them. An abundance of earwax, an infection or even a damaged inner ear can be detected and treated. It can't be stressed enough there's no way anyone should ever take their hearing for granted. It's a precious gift. If lost, it can be lost forever. But, by making a few simple changes and some wiser choices in how we listen, this loss can be avoided or reduced. You can affect the quality of your teen's life and relationships with a trip to a hearing center today.