5 Things You Didn’t Know about Singapore Pilates Back Extension Exercises

Mar 14


Joanna Ng

Joanna Ng

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Back extension exercises should always be included in your Pilates routines. Singapore Pilates back extension exercises are ideal as a total physical workout program. It compliments all our forward movements and works to support our daily lifestyle activities.

It is logical to emphasize and feature back extension exercises in a pilates
program. Pilates back extension exercises counterbalance the numerous forward
bending movements in our everyday life. One of the most common complaint of back
pain is occupational; that of having to sit for more than 10 hours in the job!

If you can put a figure on the number of times you have to bend forward and the
amount of forward inclined daily activities,5 Things You Didn’t Know about Singapore Pilates Back Extension Exercises Articles you will be surprised it is an
astounding four figure number. When you slouch in your chair or when you work,
rounded over in front of the computer all day, you definitely suffer from back
pain from time to time

So how does Singapore Pilates back extension exercises work for you?

How will it change the quality of your program and your life?

Here are 5 reasons why you want to put those Singapore Pilates extension
exercises into action now!

A Great Back Strengthener
As you bend over more than you do any other movements daily, your back muscles
becomes over strained and weak from continued rounding. They forget how to work
to support the back when you need to sit upright. These back extensor group of
muscles must be retrained to play their role of supporting your spine. Back
extension exercises specifically targets areas of the back in holding up your
posture in all possible acts of play and work. It also helps to prevent any
possible onset of back pain due to poor posture and form.

"Swan" is a specific back extension routine which is simple and easy to perform.
Lie on your stomach with both palms down at the side of your chest near your
armpits. Keep both knee caps lifted and engaged as you press gently into the
floor and lift chest away from ground. This action of keeping the chest off
ground helps to train your back to be stronger. It also challenges your pelvis
and abdominals to target back muscles.

Makes You Taller
The muscles that are in charge of making you stand taller, sit taller and walk
taller is the back extensor group. You will need to keep your posture lifted,
as in lifting your chest up and keeping the back of the neck long like a well
trained dancer akin to a ballerina. In the process, other important muscles of
the body are also challenged. Your chest is expanded and lifted. Your abdominals,
quadriceps, and hip flexors are properly stretched.

"Swimming" is another great pilates exercise to include in your repertoire. Over
time, you achieve good posture and form.

Improves Breathing Mechanics
As you begin to keep the chest lifted, you will notice there is a visible
difference in the way you look and breathe. If you have a rounded forward posture,
your ribcage is in a collapsed/dropped position all the time. This position does
not promote proper breathing. In fact, it is impossible to do proper breathing
at all. Shallow breathing is the only possible way to breathe in this position.
The lifting of the sternum, which we also called breastbone, means muscles of the
back are working hard to effectively keep ribcage up, the lungs are in their
proper position to initiate correct full breathing.

Creates Shoulder Girdle Stability
Some examples of pilates back extension exercises like the modified "Plank" is
great to challenge stabilization of your shoulder girdle musculature. It also
challenges your abdominals as they have to work to stabilize your lower body. In
time your core strength will improve. The development of core strength is crucial
to the maintenance of good posture until it becomes a good habit. Core
stabilization also means some areas of the body do not have to be strained to
compensate for other weaker muscles.

Exercises Rejuvenate & Revitalize
All Singapore Pilates back extension exercises work to regulate and balance your
body with the right movements. If you are rounded for most hours of your waking
times, you want to do an activity in extension. Our body is designed to be in an
upright position from birth. Look at any picture of a standing anatomy chart of
a body - it is upright and in extension.

Your quality of life improves tremendously with continual maintenance of this
correct posture. You will feel stronger, re-energized, and re-vitalized!