Alopecia areata patches can be itchy and annoying. Why it happens and how to stop it can be a mystery.
Alopecia areata is a condition in which the body starts attacking hair follicles, causing them to fall out. It can lead to baldness. Around 2% of the global population have alopecia areata at some point in their lives. (Source: NCBI) In most cases, it occurs around age 30. (Source: Wolters Kluwer) But it can happen at any age. There's no cure for alopecia areata, but there are plenty of things you can do to keep the hair condition under control. Here are some ways.
Studies have shown a relationship between stress and alopecia areata. (Source: BMC Research) So, if you can learn to manage stress levels, your body and hair will thank you for it.
Not everyone likes the idea of using medication to ease their symptoms, but using synthetic drugs isn't your only option. You can try natural remedies that are just as effective. For example, vitamin E oil is known to help with alopecia because it has healing properties and can protect cells from damage. Talk to your doctor about all your options.
Exercise is essential for both physical and mental health, making it another good habit to get into for many reasons. The practice has relaxing benefits for the body. Exercise also releases endorphins that make people feel good about themselves and their hair. One of the most significant benefits of regular exercise might be its effect on alopecia areata hair loss. Studies have shown that people who maintain a higher activity level tend to lose hair slower. (Source: NCBI)
Eating well is an effective way to keep the body in balance, and it's also one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall health. Maximizing nutrients from food instead of supplements is always better for you. However, specific vitamins and minerals can promote hair growth and provide healthy hair. Some studies have found that people with alopecia areata have lower levels of zinc and vitamin D. (Source: NIH)
It can be hard to experience alopecia areata, even with the help of medication and treatment. If you find it impossible to handle the emotional stress of alopecia, talk to someone who knows exactly how you feel. Start with your family and friends. If that doesn't help, consult a homeopathic doctor as he or she provides holistic alopecia treatment.
Homeopathy is one of the most effective treatments for alopecia areata. Homeopathic treatment consists of natural remedies. It's safe to use and does not have side-effects. Homeopathic medicines treat the root cause of the condition and promote hair growth.
You can visit Dr Batra's® homeopathic hair clinic for alopecia areata. We offer permanent treatment for alopecia areata. We have a positive treatment outcome rate of 96.6% in treating hair disorders, including alopecia areata, as authenticated by the American Quality Assessors.
You can book an appointment for more information.