7 Tips to Take Care of Your Dental Implants
Aren't able to take care of your dental implants? Take a look at these top tips that will help make sure your dental implants stay healthy for a lifetime.
There’s lots of pain that comes with dental implant failure. It feels embarrassing,
moreover than when you first had your missing tooth. No one wants to feel that way, so let’s make sure of that. So instead of risking further tooth loss and dental implant failure, we want to show you just how simple it is to take care of your teeth. Surprisingly, these 7 simple tips are so easy to work into your everyday routine, and will help make sure your dental implants stay healthy and well. Let’s take a look at them.
7 Tips to Take Care of Your Dental Implants
In a study conducted by the American College of Prosthodontist, they have identified and laid out the must-do’s every person should be aware of to keep their teeth healthy. Here we have the top 7 ways you can achieve dental health success.
- Get a Dental Examination Once Every 6 Months
It’s important to communicate with your dentist on average every 6 months. Cleanings are one of the most important things you can do for your teeth, as we cannot clean the back of our teeth as thoroughly as we think we do with just a toothbrush and floss. Dentist are there to educate you and give you goals to improve or keep up your oral health.
- Floss Your Teeth Daily
A question you may always dread is when your dentist asks, “Have you been flossing”? The answer is probably no, and that can be a huge detriment for you and your dental health. When it comes to flossing dental implants, use a water pik. Water piks are easier on the gums and don’t come with the same soreness as traditional floss. If you’re experiencing bleeding while flossing, you’re pushing the floss too deep into your gums. It’s a tall order to floss every day for many, but flossing is one of the best things you can do for your teeth and dental implant health.
- Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day
This should not come as a shocker to any of you. Brushing your teeth is what keeps bacteria from multiplying exponentially while you’re sleeping or out and about during the day. Every day, before and after you get out of bed, you need to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes. Brush each tooth gently in a circular motion 15 times before rinsing out your mouth. Don’t overextend and brush your teeth longer than this. Excessive brushing can wear down the thin layer of enamel protecting your teeth and do more harm than good.
- Replace that Icky Toothbrush of Yours
Your toothbrush goes a long way for you. It cleans your teeth when you need it, brushing away the thousands of bacteria specimens breeding in your mouth on a daily basis. It’s there for you when you need it day in and day out, even when you’re sick. But relationships with your toothbrush don’t last forever. We recommend replace your toothbrush every 6 weeks, which goes for electric toothbrushes as well (the head of it). If you are sick, replace your toothbrush immediately, as you don’t want to get sick again due to the icky bacteria lingering on the bristles.
- Wear a Mouth Guard to Protect Your Dental Implants
There’s a high chance of your dental implants experiencing damage if you grind your teeth in your sleep. If believe that you do, talk with your dentist, as they will set you up with a night mouth guard to protect your teeth as you sleep. Nighttime is not the only time you may want to wear a mouth guard. Mouth guards are extremely important if you play sports or participate in any physical exercise. They make sure your teeth aren’t harmed if you get knocked into or you fall down while being active. Furthermore, make sure the mouth guard you receive fits your teeth perfectly, else it will feel awkward and uncomfortable.
- Avoid Smoking and Chewing Tobacco
Tobacco use is amongst the most harmful things you put in your body. In recent years, there has been innumerable studies about the danger of tobacco, especially on your teeth. It causes tooth decay, it eats at your gums, it causes bad breath, and eventually you’ll have nothing but black plaque left in your mouth. If you are a smoker, it’s almost certain your dentist will make you quit before you even qualify to get a dental implant. It’s a good time to quit now as well, taxes on tobacco products have never been higher in the U.S. and will most likely continue to go up.
- Eat a Low Sugar Diet
Your tongue knows all about the best pastries out there, but it doesn’t know how much harm such sugary foods can do to your teeth. Sugary foods gnaw down your enamel protecting your teeth, and can cause tooth discoloration and more. Now your dental implant is colored to match the remainder of your teeth, discoloration can make your dental implant stand out like a sore thumb. If you want to keep up an appearance and a nice smile, make sure that the foods you eat aren’t being fueled by sugar. There are many natural foods that are just as good, if not better than sugary processed foods.