There are many benefits of Resveratrol. Sicknesses healed or reversed, energy recovered and skin made younger looking and on and on the stories go. I have known personally many people that those stories and have also heard them from people that I know that were skeptical before they saw it with their own eyes. But today I am going to talk about the main benefit of Resveratrol when properly taken.
Out of all the major benefits of Resveratrol,
the main one is that of being anti age. Now before you scoff and follow the old line nothing can make you live longer. Think about what you are thinking.
Nothing can make you live longer?
This seems a little silly with all we try to do to extend life in conventional medicine already. Why are we trying to find the “cure for cancer” if people can’t be made to live longer.
There is no real way to live forever, of course. But does that mean we don’t even try? So we just go about our life hoping to be among those people whose genes seem to somehow be able to live in this toxic world longer then the rest?
I say no! We should actively seeking to live longer and not only that live better, you see living longer would suck if I had to live out my last decade or so in a nursing home. Shudder… So all that to say, Resveratrol has many great anti aging properties, in fact it is the benefit of Resveratrol.
All the rest of the outside benefits, we see and feel are just outside manifestations of what is going on in the inside with our DNA. You see there are 4 major key factors that underlie aging that are being addressed with this benefit of Resveratrol.
Here they are:
• DNA Damage
Every day, every cell in your body is attacked by hundreds of thousands of DNA-damaging assaults (From the sun to . These assaults damage the cell’s genetic code, creating a “oops” and each new one building on top of the last, this over time reduces how the cell works and how long they last.
• Genetic Regulators
Our bodies have their own genetic regulators that keep aging diseases (degenerative diseases) in control, by trying to keep a balance between damage and repair, including also if a cell will live or not. This too breaks down over time.
• Energy Production Slows Down
Mitochondria (Our bodies Cellular Power Plants) in our cells create energy without which we can’t survive. As the mitochondria become less efficient, our cells ability to replicate and defend our body declines.
• AGE Proteins Increase
We also start gaining Advanced Glycation End products (AGE) these proteins essentially start clogging up the system and start causing inflammation which damages our cells that can cause multiple problems through out the body.
Resveratrol unlike anything else in the world that we know of yet, slows or reverses each and every one of these aging processes. Is that not cool?!?
So all the healing that has been seen by taking Resveratrol really just the real benefit of Resveratrol showing itself on the outside.
You can start by reading up on the different Resveratrol sources out there.