What is Holistic Medicine and How Does It Work?

Feb 20


Cliff Fontenot

Cliff Fontenot

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So what is holistic medicine? Holistic medicine is treatment that deals with the whole person. That is medicine that doesn't just deal with one particular disease or symptom.

Much of our health care today,What is Holistic Medicine and How Does It Work? Articles doesn’t help you till something is wrong with you. I know this by experience having in my earlier days before finding natural health that if I would go to the doctor and say nothing hurts and nothing is in pain. Then I would just be put on my way without another word. If did say something was wrong I would be given a pill and asked to tell them how it goes. If that doesn't work you get another pill or have to take more of the pill you are taking.

I would stop hurting for a little while but the problem would just keep coming back, stronger the next time and then they would give me a stronger pill. So they were just covering up the problem and not dealing with the root issue.

Holistic medicine in contrast thinks more in terms of prevention and dealing with those root issues and so stops disease before it starts. This is the power of holistic medicine, would you rather fall down the cliff hoping you survive the fall then be healed or would you rather be stopped on the way to the cliff and not have to deal with the pain in the first place?

Holistic medicine comes in many shapes and sizes. Vitamin therapy, meditation, yoga, massage therapy, health coaching, physical therapists, Chiropractors etc, the list goes on and on.

Some more effective then others or are better suited for particular problems that may arise but they all deal with the whole person.

For instance, Physical Therapists and Chiropractors are better for the physical body after an injury. Nutritional therapists and vitamin therapists are more effective at helping your immune system and help your body heal diseases from the inside out. Some other meditation and prayer can help with clearing the mind of the junk that accumulates.

The thing is when you pray you can affect the physical, or when you heal the organ you can help the state of mind. Our bodies our intertwined like this when you heal one part and I mean really heal not just cover up the problem. It affects every other part of your body. There is no way around it.

Every part affects every part once we realize this; we can start changing how we view life not just as compartmentalized but what we eat and drink affects how we sleep. The pain in our foot could be giving us that headache.

Now this is the phenomenal thing about holistic medicine and that is that when you are healed by going to one of them, you are completely healed when you left or they didn't do their job.

You can not lose one disease and keep two others. When you are healed, you are completely healed!

So I wrote this article with one purpose and reason alone and that is to motivate you to try out a holistic practitioner. Find one in your area and start working towards full health today.

Here is a place to get started, a great directory of natural health professionals

For those of you that are older and looking to feel younger. Here is a good Anti Aging Program, which is holistic in scope that could help.
